Saturday, August 30, 2014

Urban Poverty Law Center Cheers For President Obama's ISIS Strategery

Sometimes in some situations the best thing to do is to do nothing. Think of the treasure and blood Americans would have saved if Bush 43 had held firm against the Military Industrial Complex and its bankers of the Money Industrial Complex and avoided trapsing into Iraq and Afghanistan to let them know "that oil belongs to the Iraqi people!", and those poppies belong to the CIA?

President Obama is trying to walk that dog back with his new strategery in dealing with the 8th century goatherds of the ME. When rival goatherds wish to play kickball using a new freshly severed head from the other guys team, it is best to keep as far out of that rivalry as humanly possible. Poor pressman Foley got caught up in the games and became an unwilling donor, with his contribution forgotten by the gameskeepers before his body fell headless to the dusty carpet and his gallon and a half of blood made the stain marking his demise.

What of the oil? Why what is to become of the oil? Prices will plummet when it falls to ISIS because they will sell for cheap, as the comrades from ISIS are not currently members in good standing with OPEC. In fact from what I can gather with the chantings coming forth from our allies in Saud, the ISIS rabble have their sights set on these golden plutocrats and their fortunes.

Timing is bad for these potentates. The US has gone and got its own secure oil supplies in spite of a governmental policy that was trying to restrict this by all means. Now the dollar and our government is at risk should the ISIS folkes agree to take the Chinese currency as a means of trade and rebuke the greenback which should be henceforth called the greenie, since ours is the strongest desire to make the environment cleaner and greener.

The boys at the Federal Reserve Bank are doing their level best by printing all the money Obama and Co can spend, but it is not making the planet more habitable, it is just used to enrich more of the fabulously rich insiders.

Ron Paul, the Libertarian, spilled the beans on his C Span interview last night when he stated the obvious. The government is out to benefit the government, and the people are viewed with derision and as problems. Not a good attitude for our civil servants to entertain.

Governments are like dogs. If it bites the hand that feeds it, is should be retrained or if that fails it should be euthanized and a new puppy obtained one that is mindful and happy to comply with the master.

A bad dog like bad government is not worth the time, effort, or money to retrain when pups are so plentiful and pups willing to go into government are so many. Our government is not house broken, but it is broken. The corruption of the various departments, and using the IRS against the house is like a pit bull in a pre-school. Something is wrong when the powers have to arm themselves against their own people. This is a sign they know they are over the line.

I do not know what the next dog will be like, but I suspect it will not be a black and white stray, but will be more likely a full blue blood white like Canklee Clinton, or Jeb Bush, or a solid black like Ben Carson MD.

That poodle in the white house may be making the right choice in dealing with ISIS as long as they do not cross the southern border and start playing lop-a-head at our shopping malls or playgrounds.

Let the struggle in the ME play out. Someone will win, let us just keep off the playing field until we have some skin in the game.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

President Obama's Six Year Recession Has Americans On Edge: How Cronies Who Control The Two Parties Keep Everyday Americans Disadvantaged

George Soros began his career stealing from the Jews in his native Austrio-Hungarian hamlet during WWII with his newly made friends from Hitler's Germany. He hid his Judaism from his collaborators as he carted off the treasures of his tribal kin with outstanding zeal and vigor. Now he has bet a large part of the Soros farm on the pending collapse of the US Stock Market. Will he cart off more of the tribe's loot this time or will he be blocked by a higher controlling legal authority like he was by the Bush Administration when they refused to bail out the heavily Soros controlled Lehmann Brothers investment firm?

I believe Mr. Soros is well connected to the Obama-Holder-Jarrett syndicate and stands to have more lootings flow his way this time so that he might look at his holdings and think how proud his mother would be of his accumulated wealth which he can push for more fairness in the world with his generous gifts to organizations against the Western Hegemony currently in vogue around the world.

It is not easy to dispossess a people who have worked hard for the civilization and free markets in a country of 150 million natives who do most of the everyday work and for the most part are heavily armed. To defeat them the borders must be opened up to an underclass that will demand more and more of the producer's labor and use up more and more of the legal system's monies and crowd the court rooms with the petty criminal offenses of murder, rape, and theft.

Secondly, the need for disarming must be made and this is essential if the haves are to become the have nots. Imagine what an easy time the take over of the Middle East would be if those 8th century goat-herds didn't each possess an AK-47 with all the ammo and explosives Russia and Iran could supply and the selflessness of a suicide bomber. It is hard to beat people whose self-preservation instinct is gone missing, especially when the aggressors are on your turf and they are motivated by greed, a greed which extends well into the good life! The Western way is a greed for life, and we preserve it even into the misery of long nursing home stays, so great is our aversion to death.

And should the producers complain about being soaked to feed the massive influx of poor from South of our borders, they will be scoffed at by the media's ruling class and berated as bigots and racists. Why shouldn't a fellow who makes $100,000 a year not want to share about a fourth of that to provide for someone else's children. And when the 1/4 share is not enough the politico's will vote it to a 1/3 or even half since even $50,000 a year is well-off in a kingdom of poverty.

Managing the poor is a multi trillion dollar business these days. If the poor were all suddenly lifted out of poverty, many small businesses which sell cigarettes, liquor and cell phone contracts would be hit hardest. Spending on lotto tickets would plummet. Gangs and gangsters would loose their great bastions of misery in which to pedal their drugs and hoes.

Instead of the abject misery one sees in our over crowded inner cities where the permanent underclass has been systematically tucked away out of sight of the beautiful people who clamor from their pedestals about helping these people who are incapable of helping themselves, claiming they would do anything possible to help as long as it doesn't involve spending any time, effort, or money, these people could be shop-keeps selling rolexes, fragrant soaps, perfumes and the finest wines and cheeses to each other rather than serving up rat kabobs and sterno.

The gangs would smoke the finest cigars at the country club and watch nascar on Saturdays. Their kids would attend private schools and have tutors for those harder subjects such as algebra and French. Summers would be spent in Europe or the Orient. Everybody would be at or below their perfect Body-Mass-Index. Children would be born and not aborted. In a beautiful inner city nirvana there would be no crimes or killings because everybody has everything they would ever want.

Mr. Soros the solution to pollution is dilution. Your misinformed philanthropic work would be better served by sending your billions to the inner city to set up enterprise economic zones which would help start these people on the pathway to beluga caviar and Cuban cigars instead of dried up McDonalds Fish fillet sandwiches and stolen Swisher Sweets.

Your plan to drag all humanity into misery by collapsing the Western world's economies will serve only Satan, because out of misery comes war, and not everybody can be as successful as you were in WWII, there has to be a loser for every winner. You took from many losers who were railroaded off to the camps where they met their horrible fates and you can sleep at night knowing this?

For his part your President Obama has kept the US economy from growing with his gross mismanagement style and his frequent golf outings. Two more years may be enough to complete the mission. The election this year will be at most a speed bump should the Senate turn over. But you well know more money will fix it for you and your pals. For as Mark Twain observed over a hundred years ago, "If voting made any difference, they would not let us do it."

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

And Now Robin Williams, 63, Has Ended His Time On Stage: Urban Poverty Law Center Tribute To A Funny Man

I read the news today, oh boy! About a lucky man who made the grade. He blew his mind out in a car. He hadn't noticed the lights had changed. I woke up fell out of bed dragged a comb across my head……. THE BEATLES (poorly quoted)

Robin Williams, comic genius, a man who entertained millions with his manic antics in a career which spanned decades, is dead, not a greatly exaggerated rumor. He was a young man but like many in entertainment the chance for sin and avarice proved too inviting and the Sybil and whatever that whirlpool is called which Homer describes in the Odyssey all those years ago, comprising drugs and alcohol took a toll on Mr. Williams. After all when the curtain falls, and the lights go out and you take your costume off and fall into your bed at home, all that is left is your own humanity. And Mr. Williams had to live inside that brilliant head of his which delighted millions of his fans for many years. Apparently he was lonely inside that great big gelatinous mass of brain with its unique mix of neuronal circuitry fine tuned to the absurdities of life and its delicious ironies.

In the end his brain did not leave him, he left his brain. And the world was a better place with Robin Williams here to point out what needed to be laughed about. RIP Mr. Williams.
You made a positive contribution.

Jackson Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

There Is Something Rotten In Washington: Urban Poverty Law Center Calls For An Investigation Or Why Obama Is Not Hearing The Folks

Ordinary "folks" a term President Obama espouses from time to time in public when he is speaking off tele prompt, who make up a majority of Americans are beginning to wonder why this president does not represent them? The whole world seems to revolve around the gay and lesbian and transgendered among us. That prickly 1.5% of the population that consumes 95% of mainstream media press time. Nary a day goes by when some "ordinary folks" have not gotten in a pickle for following their faith by refusing to bake a cake for a same sex wedding, or not provide abortiofascients to female employees who have no inner guiding light to take the necessary measures to avoid the monthly egg releases capture by some handsome fly by night captain of eternal adolescence, who strains and groans when he introduces her to 15 million of his closest associates, whom he considers almost family.

The next morning he is gone and the stain in her Victoria Secrets is all she has left besides the lucky one who hit right in her pay dirt. Two weeks later she is a gal in trouble and she hasn't seen him for a while. No bother she can trapes off to the federally funded abortion mill and have her child scraped and sucked from her undeserving womb, if she accepted a job at Hobby Lobby or at a Catholic institution. I tire of Sandra Flucke's reproductive tract. How long before Sandy is pimping in front of the nation for free viagra for her partners. From her recent appearance I give it a decade, max.

The bottom 25% of "folks" without jobs in America, who make up 91 or 92 million Americans and illegals who probably make up 12 to 15 million of this faction are the only ones who get any of our Lightweight Ineffective African Ruler's attention. We must open America's Southern Border to the great unwashed masses who will create the jobs American capitalists refuse to create. You see American Bankers have been waiting for Pedro and Jesus and just the right economic conditions to begin lending start up monies which will be backed by the full faith and credit of you and me, if you, like me are lucky enough to have a job and pay taxes. Don't believe it? Well our "LIAR" has a pen and he has a Blackberry and no constitutional constraints on him whatsoever.

The roar from the everyday American is there but not heard. Is it just me or has our LIAR contracted the dread African Ear Wasting Syndrome? I know he was very sensitive about his Dumbo-like ears which hung off the sides of his head like "Mr Potato Head's" accessories. But since he sported a matched pair, neither side of his head gained or lost lift when biking along at 20 to 25 mph keeping him well within the bike paths.

If he has contracted the African Ear Wasting Syndrome, one of the complications is hearing loss and perhaps this is why he doesn't listen the some of the "folks".

He cannot hear us and even if his little bitty ears could he would turn a blind eye to our wishes for keeping America safe and economically and militarily sound.

We must insist to have our next candidates for our nation's highest office hearing tested by a certified audiologist.

President Obama is not listening to us but we can all see what a mess he is making of his office. I know he can read, we all see it when ever he gives one of his impressive tele prompt tales where he assures us he is working hard everyday trying to make America the kind of place every other third world country is, led by the haves and the have nots are grateful for any scraps left over after our rulers have emptied the common trough.

How can someone with giant ears in 2008 have them shrink when the laws of nature state ears and noses grow throughout ones life? Oh, I forgot, President Obama is exempt from all the laws, even those of nature.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Perhaps The Political Class Should Focus On Global Waring

Each new day brings us closer to calamity. Burning fossil fuels certainly produces its fair share of carbon dioxide which when released into the biosphere leads to global warming, but a Gaza fired rocket striking the promised land is likewise heating the planet up in a more immediate and dangerous fashion.

World War III could be just around the corner with the Middle East erupting into kaos with the ineffective and effite, feckless United States diplomats, headed by the horse faced, John F. Kerry, charging into failure.

Then there is the macho man of Russia, Tsar Vlad Putin, manning the trenches against the Ukrane, taking Crimea in much the same way Hitler marched into the Rhineland in 1938. Where is Neville Chamberland? Apparently, being channeled by our esteemed Commander in Chief, who would rather place meaningless sanctions on Russia's billionaires than actually do something.

I pray to the Almighty above that we find no new faults with the Obama administration since each new abomination brings another. Benghazi to the VA hospital scandal, the IRS criminality and the NSA snooping disclosures, all washed from the front pages of the friendly press by droves of illegals pouring over our porous southern border like rockets out of a Gaza preschool.

Thankfully, the loss of the Middle East to Iran and their partners is of no great strategic importance to the United States since we are now the world's leading producer of hydrocarbon based energy. It is serendipitious that $200 per barrel oil will not destroy our frail economy, but will devastate those of Asia, Africa, and Europe. Our pal Putin will do well as he is a net exporter of fosil fuels.

It is going to be a long winter and many will be wondering what they ever saw in Al Gore.

Global warming is not our most pressing problem, global waring is.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Urban Poverty Law Center Blatherings Begin: Read At Your Own Risk!

Yesterday saw yet another Obama policy failure with John Kerry's brokered three day cease fire between Hamas-holes and Israel lasting almost three hours. Our Viet-Nam veteran who also wind surfs orr the waves of Nantuckett and filled those enoumous panties at State left by her Highness, best swelling author, Hillary Clinton, has nothing to be ashamed of, if you ignore all his pompous sanctimony and dodging a million dollar tax bill for his mega-million dollar yatch his wife's dead husband bought him. No, Secretary of State, John Kerry, is probably one of the shining stars in that black hole, the Obama Administration.

Can anyone name two of Obama's cabinet ministers? Even a google search only comes up with three hits when one types in Obama and cabinet. Obama is truly a one man show. A clown show.

I recall that lovely Iranian American Princess's comment before the coronation of King Barry, Valerie Jarrett, "We want to learn everything about the presidency before the inauguration so we can hit the ground ruling!"

The key word in that comment is "ruling". Notice she did not use the more Americanized term, "leading", but she took a term better suited to Banana Republic Pissant Potentates, which on second thought better describes what we have now, our first American Ruler. At least we had 43 presidents before our first ruler usurped the presidency!

Guess what, Valerie? It is not working. Ruling Americans with your healthcare dictates, and your criminal use of the IRS to attack your perceived enemies, people who only disagree with your policies and I dare say there are more of them now than you could cow with even two Lois Lerners, and one and a half Eric Holders. Your time at the controls of 1/3 of 3 thirds of this government, which was put together by men over two centuries ago whose forsight factored someone like you into the equation, is coming to an end.

Lets face it, the American People preformed their duty when they wisely voted your party out of the house in 2010, but the men and women, now in congress without a spine were too timid to throw the switch and derail your misguided fundamental transformation of America. With each passing day more and more are catching on and see you do not have American interest at heart but rather some mixed up marxist ideal that freedom and capitalism are the enemy of the masses and you are too contrite to see it is marxism and communism that are the greater evil.

The amnesty carrot on a stick waved at the poor lice ladden children of South America is another poorly contrived Obama Doctrine. Are you stupid?

What about lowering the corporate income tax rate and encouraging businesses to stay and expand in America and make it easier for the rich and brilliant who have no lice in their locks to come to America and make it a richer and better place? MS-13 gang recruits and a drug dealing underclass may provide more funds to your colleagues over at the American Bar Association, but at what cost to society?

Is your wholesale importation of this large underclass just another disguised scam with a payola to the agency formerly known as "ACORN"? Just where is the 4 billion dollars you demand from the American Tax Payer headed?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, smells a rat! This administration and its antics are some of the worst in history. In consideration of you, President Obama, I can even warm slightly to your former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, but I am still somewhat queasy with it.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center