Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Newly Flexible Re-Elected President Obama And Iranian President Hasan Rouhani

Given President Barak Obama's new found flexibility after his rout of Mitt Romney in last years presidental election cycle which was bastardized by Candy Crowley and her Benghazi lie, and Lois Lerner and her mischief at the IRS and its Tax Free policies for all but Tea Party groups, and the thousands of voting iregularities at all the large cities in the swing states, and how easily our twice elected president was rolled by Russian Leader
Vlad, the Obama-Knocker, Putin in the squabble over Syrian Gas in Assad's struggle with Al Qaeda, now we learn Iranian President Hasan Rouhani wants to meet President Obama for talks in the first ever Middle East and West Muslim Summit Talks.

Who better to represent America but our Muslim in Chief who blurted out to Georgie Stepsonallofus, that "McCain has not been critical of my Muslim religion." To which Geo said, "You mean Christian religion."

With our current leader we will be lucky if he doesn't do a "fast and furious"-like walking of nuclear weapons across the border into Iran.

We will know something is up if the dimunitive North Korean leader Kim's Yon Son is next to request an audience.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Ben Franklin, Where Are Thee? Urban Poverty Law Center Cries Out!

"Printers are educated in the belief that when men differ in opinion both sides ought equally to have the advantage of being heard by the public; and that when truth and error have fair play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter: Hence they cheerfully serve all contending writers that pay them well, without regarding on which side they are of the question in dispute." Ben Franklin

I am reading a biography of Ben Franklin by H.W. Brands and here in this one statement writ by Mr. Franlkin about 250 yrs ago sums up the problem we have in modern day politics in America.

Both sides of the opinion are not addressed fully by todays equivalency to the Printers of Franklin's times, the Media.

Liberal progressive bias stains all that it touches with its haughty condescending attitudes towards the tax payer and patriot.

Lois Lerner of the IRS and her full frontal assault on the Tea Party is as a direct affront to freedom of speech as one can get and it was perpetrated at a time in our political discourse to encourage the most mischief.

Her actions possibly changed the will of the people who were not free to hear both sides of the opinion. How can truth and error battle on equal footing if only error is presented in the public arena?

The republic, if we can keep it, is being fundamentally transformed by a malignant media bias. The new minority is the Tea Party. The new Klan is the democrat party and its big government alies in the unions and its cobbled together coalition of the super rich elites of Hollywood and the new media types like that Facebook bubble head and his Google eye in the sky thief who spy on everybody ad lib.

I suggest these chaps take a page out of Ben Franklin's book and leave the social engineering to the people who vote.

Freedom when lost is lost for all.

The "Printers" of today need to take a close look at their actions. The consequences to this republic are devistating.

Todays Printers chastise the Tea Party members of the House of Representatives for holding out for truth against the huge error of the completely misnamed Affordable Health Care Act, the only part of the name which bears any truth is "ACT", because it is all an act, an act of thieft from the young, healthy, and the productive to the sick and idle.

I include the bureaucrats of the government in this idle group.

I contend it is not what Lois Lerner has done for this country but more to the point of what has she wrought against its most productive citizenry and patriots who only wish for equal treatment under the law.

With the current administration and its puppets in the media they have neither the representation they deserve or the service their taxes pay for, and waiting for this media to preform its watchdog function over governmental abuse is in vain.

Really Lois, really? Is taxation with fair representation too much to ask for in today's world?

Lois, you are as foolish as you look in your testimony in front of the congress and the American people. If you had any pride you would fall on your sword, or travel to Alaska next spring and float out to sea on the next spring thaw on a large enough chunk of ice to give you time to make peace with your God and beg forgiveness from the country and the people you have wronged.

Benedict Arnold, make room for Lois Lerner, for with her assault against Americans and in particular the Tea Party, she has earned her position along side you with America's notorious traitors!

Lois Lerner you have lost face. In Franklin's time you would be tarred and feathered. But these are not those times and you are safe in your den of theives, your realm of rascals, your union of government workers. I believe you should be taunted everywhere you go with public ridicule.

Come clean with the American people, Lois. Claiming the 5th admendment while actively denying others their 1st amendment rights is delightfully filled with ironies.

Truly, today some pigs are more equal than others! Time for you to appear before the congressional committee and squeal, Lois, squeal like only you can. You know what needs to be learned to correct the mistakes currently being made by the fools who would be kings and view all but themselves as simpletons.

And as they say, the band played on!

Is it time to start a war to distract the people in America from the real threats to freedom? Lois, what a piece of work you've turned out!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Vlad Putin: Stop, It's A Trap! Snowden Is A Plant! Stay Out Of Syria!

I read the news today, oh boy! About a lucky man who made the grade. John Lennon.

I am not here to be critical of Obama, but to praise him. The president has been playing a chess game with the middle east which includes Russia, Iran, and Syria and Al Qaeda. Our board pieces are looking good for our enemies to fall on their own swords and to be lifted on their own sarin gassed up petards.

A thumbnail sketch follows: Iran, Russia and Syria are locked in a battle with rebels who are allied with Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. America's best interest is to knock off as many Al Q's as possible and we have determined we no longer have the will or the money to keep up our direct fighting against the enemy who blends with the non-combatants. We cannot beat them on their soil.

Enter plan "B" for Barack Obama. We forge a tenuious alliance with Al Q and supply them with our state of the art weapons and nudge Russia and Iran to enter the fray with our threats to strike Syria in limited fashions only. The boiling point is reached and Russia and Iran come in full force and kick the bejesus out of our former faux allies in Syria and there are a lot of Al Q's dead on the battle field and we have our enemies do the heavy lifting.

Brilliant President Obama, but I know it was Vice President Joe Biden's mastermind who came up with this plan. It has all the hallmarks. Biden, dumb like a fox.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

President Barack Hussein Obama: Brilliant Middle East Policy Ploy!

Folks, to be honest, I did not get Obama nor his presidency, that is, until now.

I have had a lot of unflattering things to say about this most polished baratone reader of the magic teleprompter, but now I can see what he is doing with his most recent tact in the Middle East.

I refer to his brilliant strategic alliance with Al Qada against Syrian President Assad.

How did I miss the cleverness of this move by President Obama against Assad and with the terrorist who are lining up in Syria to fight the good fight?

You see, when has an ally of the US won anything but a draw or outright defeat in the past 50 years?

Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan have all suffered in its alliance with the United States.

With the alliance forged with Al Q, Barack Hussein Obama has assured their defeat and ours as well.

It is a strange play in "mutual assured destruction" that was practiced and played out during the cold war with the USSR.

Kudo's to Obama and Kerry and your new foreign policy gambit. Form an alliance with the enemy, assure a defeat!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center