As the titular head of the world's only prestigious Urban Poverty Law Center, established in 1987 on a shoe string budget, which is wholly financed through my own great beneficence, taking no private contributions, yet, and not cowing to any political party, I have held my comments on the most recent unpleasantness which occurred on November 6, 2012.
Readers of my tomes know I am not nor have I been a great Mitt Romney fan, but like many conservatives, who after the contentious 2 year primary fight, we suffered a sort of Stockholm syndrome and had to like this liberal republican who is an accomplished businessman, a fine father, and husband, and who may have been too clean to be president.
I believe Romney, had he won this election, was feared by the entrenched who pull the strings and make the world go round and round in the hallowed halls of big government. How could they be sure he might not expose the corrupt nature of this enterprise which makes millionaires of and compromises all who come to serve, and more importantly begun the steps necessary to purge the corruption.
In an interview with Phil Donahue in 1979, Milton Friedman asked Phil where he was going to find these angels necessary to serve in government. He used this in his argument for free market capitalism as a better economic model than socialism which depends on angels to make it work.
Dr. Milton Friedman knew it was easy for man to enrich himself at the expense of his neighbors. Socialism makes it easy to shift the domestic products to the top. One for you, two for me, two for you, three for me, three for you, and the rest for me, that's all you get.
Romney's loss is a blow to the conservatives who occupy the red states and counties which surround the smaller enclaves of blue city-state socialism. The free market principles so sacred to the red staters are poison to the blue staters. In blue city states such as Detroit, 4/5 of the viable businesses and almost all of the industry has fled leaving only those to poor or uneducated to leave for greener pastures. The forced redistribution of wealth from citizens with to those in the decaying infrastructure is the only lifeline it has open.
When the excesses of government regulations finally takes it toll and the last business closes its doors and moves from Detroit to Smyrna, Tennessee or to some little village in Mexico the shocking result to the landscape is not too different from what Berlin looked like after our declaration of war against Nazi Germany. The difference is government regulators destroyed Detroit as surely as Eisenhower's army helped in the destruction of Berlin, but the will to rebuild Detroit, which would seem to be in our country's best interest is oddly missing. Is it racism? Is it corporate racism? Is it government regulation without checks and balances? It is probably equal parts of the above.
In the years immediately after the Civil War, large numbers of newly freed slaves, migrated to the large industrialized North to find work. A few stayed on in the South to continue working on the farms. In the 30's and 40's and later, with the mechanization of farming, those blacks who stayed on in the South again migrated North to the industrial jobs. Now that these jobs are no longer available, and the jobs have not migrated to an area of this country, so it is no longer possible for large segments of our population to migrate to a better life.
Mitt Romney lost because he was not viewed by the inner city underclass as one who would be sympathetic to their plight. The Obama organization spent close to a billion dollars in advertisements to get that portrait out there to besmirch Romney and thusly, the vast cotton less plantations of our inner cities were a lock for Barack Obama's reelection. He, as you know, understands and empathizes with the poor.
Mitt Romney's policies would give the poor a chance to work. Free money v work? I vote for free money over work any day! Barack Obama's policies will keep the poor idle, free to talk on their Obama phones and swap government cheese recipes, between naps and parties. Work? It is a four letter word!
The residents of Philadelphia, Cleveland, Detroit, and hundreds of thousands of the underclass voted for free stuff. Problem is it was a vote for poverty and against freedom.
Now that the government has destroyed the industrialized North, it can redouble its efforts and focus on those areas in the red states to bring fairness and poverty to all that it governs.
Friedman also responded in his interview with Phil Donahue in 1979, that the individual could not do anything to fight inflation, that it was solely the result of government printing and spending too much money. His recommendation was for the individual to "live high" and buy nice stuff and consume and though he did not state it as emphatically as I have, I believe he means to spend it before it is worthless.
What good is it to save a dollar today which will be worth only 50 cents tomorrow?
Yes, Obama won reelection. And all I got was this free tee shirt.
Well, it is a start.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
A Modest Proposal: How To Put Teeth Back Into The Tenth Amendment UPLC
Comrades, I come to praise Washington, DC, not to bury it! Even the most cynical critic of our fearless leaders must admit some good comes from that pit of decadence, that den of thieves, filled with oversexed sociopaths from all fifty states, Puerto Rico and Guam.
Why just this past year between debauchery filled orgies where MOC's celebrating Teddy Kennedy Day took turns sandwiching Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein who were dressed as waitresses, yuck, sickening, they pulled it together long enough to raise the debt ceiling to $16 trillion which gives us just enough time to make it through Christmas. I do not believe there is enough bourbon in Kentucky to make me amenable to "sandwiching" either of those hags of congress. I have my standards, you know.
Enough of the praise already.
I know you are busy and are eager to know what great wisdom the neurons firing in my noodle have for your today.
The Tenth Amendment to the United States Of America goes like this:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution, nor prohibited to it by the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
All politics is local. On this we should be certain.
I will ask my state senator to look into having our great state of Tennessee collect from its citizens and businesses any tax, state, federal, and local, where the money could then be impounded first to do the people's business at the state level, holding back any funding necessary for the numerous unfunded federal mandates as it relates to health care and education, and the environment, and then if there is any monies left over, these would be sent along to Washington, DC with an explanation. The taxes would then be apportioned fairly over the population of my state and would then comply with the constitutional requirement that all taxes must be apportioned equally among the states.
Fool, you say, it will never work? Why not, I say?
All politics is local. Taxes are local as well. Why should federal taxation bypass the state when it is in the people's interest to have the state in the taxation loop? In a perfect world where all men and women are angels we would not need to change how we do business with Washington, DC.
The demons occupying the halls of congress are forcing good men and women to find another path to fairness, justice, and righteousness.
Placing the states in the position of tax collector for the federal government places the power closer to the people where this nation's founders envisioned it.
You got a better idea? I am listening!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Why just this past year between debauchery filled orgies where MOC's celebrating Teddy Kennedy Day took turns sandwiching Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein who were dressed as waitresses, yuck, sickening, they pulled it together long enough to raise the debt ceiling to $16 trillion which gives us just enough time to make it through Christmas. I do not believe there is enough bourbon in Kentucky to make me amenable to "sandwiching" either of those hags of congress. I have my standards, you know.
Enough of the praise already.
I know you are busy and are eager to know what great wisdom the neurons firing in my noodle have for your today.
The Tenth Amendment to the United States Of America goes like this:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution, nor prohibited to it by the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
All politics is local. On this we should be certain.
I will ask my state senator to look into having our great state of Tennessee collect from its citizens and businesses any tax, state, federal, and local, where the money could then be impounded first to do the people's business at the state level, holding back any funding necessary for the numerous unfunded federal mandates as it relates to health care and education, and the environment, and then if there is any monies left over, these would be sent along to Washington, DC with an explanation. The taxes would then be apportioned fairly over the population of my state and would then comply with the constitutional requirement that all taxes must be apportioned equally among the states.
Fool, you say, it will never work? Why not, I say?
All politics is local. Taxes are local as well. Why should federal taxation bypass the state when it is in the people's interest to have the state in the taxation loop? In a perfect world where all men and women are angels we would not need to change how we do business with Washington, DC.
The demons occupying the halls of congress are forcing good men and women to find another path to fairness, justice, and righteousness.
Placing the states in the position of tax collector for the federal government places the power closer to the people where this nation's founders envisioned it.
You got a better idea? I am listening!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
deficit ceiling,
Diane Feinstein,
Nancy Pelosi,
the tenth amendment,
Monday, November 12, 2012
Urban Poverty Law Center Calls For True The Vote: Monkey See, Monkey Do
Comrade Joseph Hussein Stalin famously quipped after too much Russian vodka one evening to a New York Times reporter, "Sure, everyone votes in Russia. But only I count the votes!
That reporter was my great uncle and I found his original notes on his time in the early days of the Russian republic fascinating. It was Uncle Rheemus Delano Maybolt, writing under the pen name, Nathaniel Whoops, his grandfather's name, who took the liberty to clean up Comrade Stalin's awkward attempt to be quotable, his mind addled by vodka came up with: "He who casts the vote decides nothing. He who counts the vote decides everything." The Russian language has been heavily influenced by vodka throughout the ages. It is rumored that Tolstoy original intent for "War and Peace" was a short, but 1323 cases of fine Russian vodka later and this is what you get. It is best read under the influence. A little publicized fact.
Uncle Whoops came to reporting naturally as his great grandfather also helped edit Karl Marx's famous treatise on Communism. It started out being one of those self-help guides for the common man which were so popular back in the 1840's, but Uncle Whoops got with Karl and Fred, early on and one thing lead to another.
Uncle Whoops even gives himself credit with titling the tome. Mr. Marx was in favor of using a less forceful title and had settled on: "A Communist Suggestion". Where Freddie and Uncle Whoops thought the title needed more force.
They settled on "The Communist Manifesto", and the rest is history, the battle lines were drawn between the people who believe man can own property, a clearly feudal belief, that he can use to enrich himself to the detriment of all others, and the people who believe all of mankind has a stake in mother earth and what it can provide to its children.
I guess what I am getting at here is that human beings have sought and fought for advantages through out all of time. Cain's killing of Abel set the action that all of mankind would follow. Greed and envy have changed history more than peace and love. The trenches of history are filled with the silenced victims of greed and envy. Hitler and his henchmen, Jos. Stalin and his, along with Mao, and let us not forget our own Andy Jackson and his assault on the Native American population, all have added victims to that deep trench. To these ruthless leaders, people are not the children of God, for they are godless and evil to a man.
People are often in the way of the greatest Utopian dreamers. How many times have we heard "this old world would be a better place if there weren't all these people?" Confession: I thought this every time I went to Disney World. Human nature you see.
During WWII the Polish ghetto was full of lice laden Jews. To Hitler, the best way to rid the Ghetto of lice was to kill the Jews. To Andrew Jackson, the native American population interfered with his idea of expansion, kill and move them out was his answer. Stalin slaughtered millions and ditto Mao.
Just maybe, maybe these fellows are right and there is no God. We are just a great big lonely quirky happen-chance of goo that pulled itself up out of the primordial soup cooking deep within the fiery earth and stood up and proclaimed to all that would listen. "I am gonna get me some of that!"
And here we are only a few million years into this beautiful world still hitting each other over
the head for personal gain, in spite of all the education, riches, and religion this old world can entertain
we are still just a bunch of hairless monkeys dressed up with deodorant and mouthwash and a functioning public water supply and adequate sewage treatment. Add hand washing and antibiotics into the mix and we have the numbers necessary and required for some real mischief.
America, and the American experiment of the past 200 plus years was just an experiment and we are watching what happens when greed and envy overtake a country that was founded on deeply held religious beliefs. The religious beliefs are rejected and the riches are scattered to the winds.
America is just one zoo for humans in a world filled with human plantations. Our national zoo keepers have decided that capitalism is no longer the best way to keep the inhabitants of our zoo happy and fed.
Can we trust these elites, the smart monkeys with the ivy league credentials to have the local monkey's best interest at heart? Sending trillions of bananas to Washington, DC every year to the Zoo Keeps, is not making much sense when those bananas could be doing more good at the state and local level.
King Obama has shown his propensity to cast bananas to green energy monkeys who are his banana bundlers in what looks to be a banana payola scheme. If our leaders are dishonest then the zoo is in danger.
Back to Stalin. I believe the monkeys voted in the past US election, but some monkeys votes counted more that the others.
Is this anyway to run a zoo? A monkey without arms is just a monkey. A monkey with arms is alarming.
Monkeys of the world, UNITE! Otherwise, somewhere out there, there is a trench with your name on it.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
That reporter was my great uncle and I found his original notes on his time in the early days of the Russian republic fascinating. It was Uncle Rheemus Delano Maybolt, writing under the pen name, Nathaniel Whoops, his grandfather's name, who took the liberty to clean up Comrade Stalin's awkward attempt to be quotable, his mind addled by vodka came up with: "He who casts the vote decides nothing. He who counts the vote decides everything." The Russian language has been heavily influenced by vodka throughout the ages. It is rumored that Tolstoy original intent for "War and Peace" was a short, but 1323 cases of fine Russian vodka later and this is what you get. It is best read under the influence. A little publicized fact.
Uncle Whoops came to reporting naturally as his great grandfather also helped edit Karl Marx's famous treatise on Communism. It started out being one of those self-help guides for the common man which were so popular back in the 1840's, but Uncle Whoops got with Karl and Fred, early on and one thing lead to another.
Uncle Whoops even gives himself credit with titling the tome. Mr. Marx was in favor of using a less forceful title and had settled on: "A Communist Suggestion". Where Freddie and Uncle Whoops thought the title needed more force.
They settled on "The Communist Manifesto", and the rest is history, the battle lines were drawn between the people who believe man can own property, a clearly feudal belief, that he can use to enrich himself to the detriment of all others, and the people who believe all of mankind has a stake in mother earth and what it can provide to its children.
I guess what I am getting at here is that human beings have sought and fought for advantages through out all of time. Cain's killing of Abel set the action that all of mankind would follow. Greed and envy have changed history more than peace and love. The trenches of history are filled with the silenced victims of greed and envy. Hitler and his henchmen, Jos. Stalin and his, along with Mao, and let us not forget our own Andy Jackson and his assault on the Native American population, all have added victims to that deep trench. To these ruthless leaders, people are not the children of God, for they are godless and evil to a man.
People are often in the way of the greatest Utopian dreamers. How many times have we heard "this old world would be a better place if there weren't all these people?" Confession: I thought this every time I went to Disney World. Human nature you see.
During WWII the Polish ghetto was full of lice laden Jews. To Hitler, the best way to rid the Ghetto of lice was to kill the Jews. To Andrew Jackson, the native American population interfered with his idea of expansion, kill and move them out was his answer. Stalin slaughtered millions and ditto Mao.
Just maybe, maybe these fellows are right and there is no God. We are just a great big lonely quirky happen-chance of goo that pulled itself up out of the primordial soup cooking deep within the fiery earth and stood up and proclaimed to all that would listen. "I am gonna get me some of that!"
And here we are only a few million years into this beautiful world still hitting each other over
the head for personal gain, in spite of all the education, riches, and religion this old world can entertain
we are still just a bunch of hairless monkeys dressed up with deodorant and mouthwash and a functioning public water supply and adequate sewage treatment. Add hand washing and antibiotics into the mix and we have the numbers necessary and required for some real mischief.
America, and the American experiment of the past 200 plus years was just an experiment and we are watching what happens when greed and envy overtake a country that was founded on deeply held religious beliefs. The religious beliefs are rejected and the riches are scattered to the winds.
America is just one zoo for humans in a world filled with human plantations. Our national zoo keepers have decided that capitalism is no longer the best way to keep the inhabitants of our zoo happy and fed.
Can we trust these elites, the smart monkeys with the ivy league credentials to have the local monkey's best interest at heart? Sending trillions of bananas to Washington, DC every year to the Zoo Keeps, is not making much sense when those bananas could be doing more good at the state and local level.
King Obama has shown his propensity to cast bananas to green energy monkeys who are his banana bundlers in what looks to be a banana payola scheme. If our leaders are dishonest then the zoo is in danger.
Back to Stalin. I believe the monkeys voted in the past US election, but some monkeys votes counted more that the others.
Is this anyway to run a zoo? A monkey without arms is just a monkey. A monkey with arms is alarming.
Monkeys of the world, UNITE! Otherwise, somewhere out there, there is a trench with your name on it.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Friday, November 9, 2012
Soros and Buffett Check In With Urban Poverty Law Center For Advice
My friends and confidants Warren Buffett and George Soros called me after the election with some questions. I was quite pleased they wanted to know what Jack Maybolt thought of the results.
I first assured Mr. Buffett that nothing would change in the US Tax code which would necessitate his paying more than his secretary. The govermental alliance between our government and corporatism is alive and well. The sell out of America and its people is complete. Our value to our government is waning.. only 53% of us even pay anything in taxes, a percentage that will go down even further as the economic storm clouds brewing overhead coalesce.
We still field the most technically advanced fighting force in the world manned mostly with children from red state America. Our mission, as it has always been, is to keep the world free to loot and trade with for our government's corporate masters.
Jack, Jack, should we bring our sons and daughters home and have them quit this army for the corporatists?
Maybe, but this would risk having their ranks filled with people who would not hesitate to shoot grandy and granny should homeland civil unrest occur. With the ranks filled as they are now, I believe nearly half those in uniform would refuse to follow that order, and the other half would follow it and feel guilty for a few weeks afterwards.
Our leaders have indebted us to the point that we have nothing to offer these corporatist masters. Money talks and bullshit walks. Most Americans could not find two dimes which were not already promised to retire previously incurred debt. If we look at the situation we find ourselves, we have been defeated just as the old Soviet Union was defeated through economic failings. The money just is not there.
It is time to wind down this operation, clean out the attic, empty the closets, sweep the gutters, admit to ourselves that only I am perfect, shake hands and get back to work. The military needs a haircut. Government subsidies need haircuts. The American tax payer is getting a scalping. Entitlements must only provide for food, clothing and shelter, and the shelter does not need to include fluff.
Fluff is phones, cable tv, cigarettes and alcohol, and drugs. The poor will be crafty enough to acquire the fluff by trading and black marketeering. The 53% must not be asked to provide fluff for the 47% who would never vote for Mitt Romney.
George Soros asked me when the dollar would collapse? I informed Geo that the only thing left to do to kick that tired currency over the cliff was to call for the end of its use as the global reserve currency. He said he would see what he could do.
Anyway, folks I fear for the rest of the world for they are not Americans. We as a culture have been diluted by the multicultalists, but there is something about being American that gives one an advantage. If we can keep our freedom, which when it boils down to it, is a frame of mind, and I believe true Americans, can do this, then we will be just fine. Red States America will survive. The Blue City States will decay. See if New York and New Jersey can bounce back in a reasonable amount of time after Katrina light, Sandy blew through there on the way to cast its vote for the incumbent, President Barak Hussein Obama.
Sandy, you have destroyed America with one great big blow!
I plan to buy some silver just in case I am wrong.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
I first assured Mr. Buffett that nothing would change in the US Tax code which would necessitate his paying more than his secretary. The govermental alliance between our government and corporatism is alive and well. The sell out of America and its people is complete. Our value to our government is waning.. only 53% of us even pay anything in taxes, a percentage that will go down even further as the economic storm clouds brewing overhead coalesce.
We still field the most technically advanced fighting force in the world manned mostly with children from red state America. Our mission, as it has always been, is to keep the world free to loot and trade with for our government's corporate masters.
Jack, Jack, should we bring our sons and daughters home and have them quit this army for the corporatists?
Maybe, but this would risk having their ranks filled with people who would not hesitate to shoot grandy and granny should homeland civil unrest occur. With the ranks filled as they are now, I believe nearly half those in uniform would refuse to follow that order, and the other half would follow it and feel guilty for a few weeks afterwards.
Our leaders have indebted us to the point that we have nothing to offer these corporatist masters. Money talks and bullshit walks. Most Americans could not find two dimes which were not already promised to retire previously incurred debt. If we look at the situation we find ourselves, we have been defeated just as the old Soviet Union was defeated through economic failings. The money just is not there.
It is time to wind down this operation, clean out the attic, empty the closets, sweep the gutters, admit to ourselves that only I am perfect, shake hands and get back to work. The military needs a haircut. Government subsidies need haircuts. The American tax payer is getting a scalping. Entitlements must only provide for food, clothing and shelter, and the shelter does not need to include fluff.
Fluff is phones, cable tv, cigarettes and alcohol, and drugs. The poor will be crafty enough to acquire the fluff by trading and black marketeering. The 53% must not be asked to provide fluff for the 47% who would never vote for Mitt Romney.
George Soros asked me when the dollar would collapse? I informed Geo that the only thing left to do to kick that tired currency over the cliff was to call for the end of its use as the global reserve currency. He said he would see what he could do.
Anyway, folks I fear for the rest of the world for they are not Americans. We as a culture have been diluted by the multicultalists, but there is something about being American that gives one an advantage. If we can keep our freedom, which when it boils down to it, is a frame of mind, and I believe true Americans, can do this, then we will be just fine. Red States America will survive. The Blue City States will decay. See if New York and New Jersey can bounce back in a reasonable amount of time after Katrina light, Sandy blew through there on the way to cast its vote for the incumbent, President Barak Hussein Obama.
Sandy, you have destroyed America with one great big blow!
I plan to buy some silver just in case I am wrong.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Urban Poverty Law Center: Obama Wins Re-Election.
President Obama was swept back into office by thuggery, buggery and dope(s)! And all this on an indisguinshed record in office which included more holes of golf and cigarettes smoked screened by a willing press. A press in lockstep with President Obama and his worldview of America in a diminished roll in the world's affairs and as the largest consumer of resources ever. No more 32 ounce Big Gulps from 7-11. The automobile will become a novelty for the average American, a rich man's plaything and a bureaucrat's privilege.
Under the tutelage of our mixed Afrikaner-in-Chief, US businesses will continue to flee, jobs will continue to shrink, and tax revenues will continue to dwindle. His socialized healthcare will withhold care for the elderly and hospitals will shore up profits by cutting its work force and the quality of care will suffer even more. Families with hospitalized members will need to hire a private nurse to assure care is proper. The poor will still suffer and their numbers will expand under these conditions.
He will call for higher taxes on the rich which will include anyone with a job from a Wal-Mart greeter to Warren Buffett, but there will be nothing more to draw from that well.
Isn't it telling that we, as a nation, have been unable to rebuild the World Trade Centers eleven years after that horrible event and at the same time China can build entire cities with beautiful infrastructures for nobody.
Hurricane Sandy will point out the impotence of FEMA and its master in Washington is not just a W. Bush problem. It has not work well under President Obama either. The poor people in the stricken burrows of New York City are finding this out in spades. I predict the damage from hurricane Sandy will be left in place for years to come.
I believe Obama's campaign was not what a winner looks like. Stuffed ballot boxes in Philadelphia under the watchful eye of the new black panthers and in Milwaukee, Wisconsin will be shown to be the difference, and throw a few hundred thou into Cleveland and Miami-Dade county for the win. THUGGERY!
Get gay marriage on the ballot and pass it in a couple of states. BUGGERY!
And finally legalize recreational marijuana in a couple of states. DOPE(S)!
The house of representatives is a firewall, but will be under constant pressure from a liberal America-hating press. Encourage your patriotic congressman to hold firm to the constitution and hope for the best.
As Americans we must get used to the new normal. Taxation without representation.
Vote fraud, the kind that thwarts the will of the populace is the kind of thing we expect to see in a banana republic, not in America. EPIPHANY!
A media that shapes views instead of reporting the news is straight out of Goebbels playbook. They cannot be trusted.
Stocks crash for a few weeks, gold and silver rises to keep up with the abundance of dollars coming off the hot presses over at the Federal Reserve. Benghazi is allowed to fall from the public radar screen. The months of federal inaction due to impotence (read no money) for the victims of Hurricane Sandy will be little reported.
Sadly today I report the organized criminalization of our government is complete and permanent. Ours was a nation of laws. The lawless have won, for now.
Thugs, Buggers, and Dopers. America has been soiled. We are a sea of red, sullied by scattered cess- pools of blue-goo. We must take the steps necessary to separate the wheat from the chaff.
When rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy! *
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Under the tutelage of our mixed Afrikaner-in-Chief, US businesses will continue to flee, jobs will continue to shrink, and tax revenues will continue to dwindle. His socialized healthcare will withhold care for the elderly and hospitals will shore up profits by cutting its work force and the quality of care will suffer even more. Families with hospitalized members will need to hire a private nurse to assure care is proper. The poor will still suffer and their numbers will expand under these conditions.
He will call for higher taxes on the rich which will include anyone with a job from a Wal-Mart greeter to Warren Buffett, but there will be nothing more to draw from that well.
Isn't it telling that we, as a nation, have been unable to rebuild the World Trade Centers eleven years after that horrible event and at the same time China can build entire cities with beautiful infrastructures for nobody.
Hurricane Sandy will point out the impotence of FEMA and its master in Washington is not just a W. Bush problem. It has not work well under President Obama either. The poor people in the stricken burrows of New York City are finding this out in spades. I predict the damage from hurricane Sandy will be left in place for years to come.
I believe Obama's campaign was not what a winner looks like. Stuffed ballot boxes in Philadelphia under the watchful eye of the new black panthers and in Milwaukee, Wisconsin will be shown to be the difference, and throw a few hundred thou into Cleveland and Miami-Dade county for the win. THUGGERY!
Get gay marriage on the ballot and pass it in a couple of states. BUGGERY!
And finally legalize recreational marijuana in a couple of states. DOPE(S)!
The house of representatives is a firewall, but will be under constant pressure from a liberal America-hating press. Encourage your patriotic congressman to hold firm to the constitution and hope for the best.
As Americans we must get used to the new normal. Taxation without representation.
Vote fraud, the kind that thwarts the will of the populace is the kind of thing we expect to see in a banana republic, not in America. EPIPHANY!
A media that shapes views instead of reporting the news is straight out of Goebbels playbook. They cannot be trusted.
Stocks crash for a few weeks, gold and silver rises to keep up with the abundance of dollars coming off the hot presses over at the Federal Reserve. Benghazi is allowed to fall from the public radar screen. The months of federal inaction due to impotence (read no money) for the victims of Hurricane Sandy will be little reported.
Sadly today I report the organized criminalization of our government is complete and permanent. Ours was a nation of laws. The lawless have won, for now.
Thugs, Buggers, and Dopers. America has been soiled. We are a sea of red, sullied by scattered cess- pools of blue-goo. We must take the steps necessary to separate the wheat from the chaff.
When rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy! *
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Federal Reserve,
gay marriage,
marijuana legalized,
Obama Wins,
vote fraud
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