Sunday, March 24, 2019

UPLC First To Propose Extending President Trump's First Term To Six Years!

The conspiracy against President Trump by the Obama Administration, his Justice Department and his felonious FBI has hamstrung the president.  My contention is he was not given the full office on January 21,  2017 because of these interferences.

Therefore, it is my great pleasure to be the first to advocate a two year extension to President Donald J. Trump's first term.

As the president of the Urban Poverty Law Center I am granted many extra constitutional privileges and thereby so decree.

President Trump is the duly elected president of the United States and has the votes to lead without encumbrances for 4 years, and I declare his first two years null and do hereby start the clock for his first term on January 21, 2019.

Conspiracies to destroy a president, even if they fail, have had dire consequences.  The only way to fairly right these wrongs is to add the 2 years.

I am,

JDM, President UPLC

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