Thursday, May 31, 2018

Day 493 Of Madame President Hillary Clinton's America-Paradise Lost

Day 493 of Madame Hillary Clinton's presidency. Aside from the earth being a little bit cooler and the waters beginning to recede no longer threatening to reclaim our coastlines, oil is $300 a barrel and our deficit has shot up to over 2.5 trillion dollars a year while the number of tax paying Americans with a job has fallen to record new lows. Madame President gave a speech early in her presidency where she bemoaned the fact that "I have never worked harder for a tax cut in my life for the middle class ( now down to three families living in Iowa, everyone else is in the lower classes, subsisting from day to day on government hand outs and begging imigrants coming in from our porous borders for a scrap of bread) "but we had to raise taxes on the few workers left in America so that we might do the work I promised for the common good!"

And the press cheers!

Elon Musk was given a 40 trillion dollar government grant to build a tube from Syria to Atlanta, Georgia and when it is opened in a few months the south will be repopulated with Muslim immigrants. The deplorables were taken off in droves to reeducation camps where their condition and whereabouts are unknowns.

Madam President appointed Loretta Lynch as the Scalia replacement on the supreme court and the second amendment was struck down and MS 13 began collection of all the firearms from registered republicans who resisted at first but the heads of the wives and children of the resistors on pikes in the public square brought them to their senses and they all boarded the trains to the camps without any further resistance. Guns are no longer a threat in Hillary's America. Bill Clinton has been appointed Schindler of sorts and on his good days he goes to the train station and will pull off any expecially attractive female teens to serve him in the White House. Only the best looking and fittest are chosen. The runners up go to Epstein's pedo island. The rest are off to the "reeducation camps" to be placed in Hillary's final solution matrix.

Iran was given nuclear weapons and its new ambassador Valarie Jarrett and her special assistant Barack Obama are living there where he is planning to run for grand mullah when the Iatollah steps down.
When Obama was questioned about not being a citizen of Iran and eligibility for grand mullah, he quipped, "That did not stop me in America, I do not see it as an obstacle in Iran, you see I am worshiped here, recall the billions I shipped them?"

Late night comics, Fallon, Kimmel, Samantha B, have seen their writers in block for over a year, nothing is funny when Hillary is President. The crisis of comedy has come to a head and any joke about Madame President is met with a secret service interview and an IRS audit with a personal review of your taxes by Lois Lerner.

The joke that got me in trouble was the one about Madame President being arrested for drugs. You see they lifted up her skirt, or pulled down her pantsuit, if you will, and found 25 kilos of crack!

I have been in Gitmo ever since.

Madame President has dissolved our military and our security has been given to a private contract won by Louis Farrikan. He has subcontracts with MS 13 and the Russians. Meanwhile the donations to the Clinton Foundation have topped 8 quadrillion dollars and 45 cents. Even the deplorables are donating the gold in their teeth to her charitable cause. She is that good. The foundation used some of its money to put a Starbucks in Port of Prince so the populace would have a clean bathroom.

Chelsea Clinton has been placed on the board of directors for Disney, Walmart, Google, Apple, Facebook, and is planning a new children's book about empowering women and boys have dicks.

The NFL no longer accepts players who will stand for the national anthem and it is no longer played at sporting events. The players now must stand and cheer with the fans when a large banner with the image of Madame president if unfolded from the Goodyear Blimp in a slow fly by.

Secretary of State, John Kerry, has tightened sanctions against Israel and they hope to have Israel off the map in another month or so.

Michigan has Sharia law in effect. The burka is manditory for all women.

What Barack Obama started as the fundamental change of America is complete with Hillary Clinton at the helm in less than 500 days.

America, she is lost. God bless America.

I am,

JDM President Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, May 11, 2018

Ode To Schneiderman, Yeah!

Schneiderman, Schneiderman
Does whatever a Schneider can
With his Bitch or wid is ho
Slaps they face till they glo

In his house in is car
makes no differnce
where dey are
Schneiderman, Schneiderman
Does whatever a Schneider can
whit his bitch and his ho
roughs em up til dey so

With his hand or his belt
on they skin there's a whelp
if they cry he don't care
he's got radioactive hair

Schneiderman, Schneiderman
does whatever a Schneider can
In New Yark he is da law
In his heart here lies his flaw
Schneiderman, Schneiderman
Does whatever a Schneider can
With his ho and his bitch
Slaps em hard to scratch his itch

So watch out for Schneiderman, yea
Watch for for Schneiderrrrrrrrman, Yeah!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The Obama Legacy Is Shrinking Or The Trump Mullahs Beatdown

With each passing day in the Trump Administration, one former president finds his legacy getting smaller and smaller. His only real lasting scar on America is his congressionally passed health care tax.

Americans will be saddled with this albatros for some years to come as it seems President Trump is unable to use his Pen to assign this legislative travisty to the dust bin of history.

And now with a bigger Presidental Pen and no Blackberry, Black Barry is reduced to a snivelling former 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue occupier whose plans to "Fundamenally change America" into an economic basket case, a banana republicesque Department of State, IRS, FBI, and Department of Justice, is being crushed by one great man's plan to "Make America Great Again"! Donald Trump rightly rescinds the Iranian Nuclear Deal brokered by Obama's lope-headed dopey Secretary of State, John(windsurfer boy) Kerry who proved himself not up to the task like all Obama appointees. Dumber than a box of hammers imported from China. Kerry and Obama gave away the treasury and American treasure and cash to the world's greatest exporter of terror.

If Armegeddon is a given and the Middle East is the flash point, Iran must be in that formulaic. That deal brokered by Satan acolytes, Obama and Kerry, only served to speed the process because the Iranians need Hell's fire from an atomic weapon to move forward in thier war with their neighbors. Trump has slowed the Mullahs with his pen and Black Barry is looking like a former president viewed through the wrong end of a high priced set of German binoculars! Smallish. Peavish. A Squish. The only president whose legacy is like the bridge to nowhere.

This is what a great president like Donald Trump can do to a weak weasel dick like Obama. America has won at old Obama's legacy's expense.

We are snapping out of the Obama economic doldrums, the above mentioned areas stained by Obama appointees with their misguided institutional corruption are rapidly being purged of the darkness placed there by the former Kenyan thin man.

Hillary, the con, was set to take this well oiled corrupt machine, and drive it to new and better heights. After eight more years on the Obama/Clinton/NWO plan the destruction of America would have been complete.

Open borders, hulled out military, confiscatory taxation, dead coal, migrants from every shithole third world armpit would be the replacements for the 50 million abortees the Left was so anxious to give us.

America does not have a population problem, we have an abortion problem.

OK, crime has dropped since abortion, but how much of that is due to Obama and his Department of Justice instructing his men to turn a blind eye towards it, and program that let monsters like little Cruz, the Parkland School shooter, stay under the radar with the Obama plan to reduce crime by not reporting or doing anything about it. This Black Barry program needs to be halted now.

I praise Trump for his courage to take on the Obama/Clinton cabal of usurpers and phonies who have thrown everything at this great man, a true superhero, and the nitpickers and naysayers have eaten crow every time a new unemployment report comes out or the new good news from Korea is reluctantly reported.

Trump loves America and it shows.

Obama despised us and it shows.

America is too tough to allow a pig headed thin man from Kenya to destroy it.

We are strongest when attacked.

Obama awoke the sleeping giant, the Japanese Admiral worried about at the start of WW II, and America answered with Donald J. Trump!

What a country! What a President!

God bless you and keep you safe, Donald Trump!

I am,

JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, May 5, 2018

E gads an honest judge in The courts

It was looking like there were no Honest judges left. And then from nowhere comes TS Ellis, A US District Judge presiding over Paul Manafort's case with Robert Mueller.

Ellis was not amused with the Mueller team's case against Manafort. Mueller's team was admonished for using inappropriate and outdated search warrants to conduct the investigation against Manafort.

Judge Ellis contends that Mueller's investigation is too broad if they can indict Manafort for crimes committed in a decade before the Trump campaign.

Judge Ellis has requested from Mueller's team the manifesto which gives them the right to investigate Russian collusion with the Trump campaign and any limitations there of.

This is potentially a great win for Manafort and the Trump administration which has undergone the Mueller lead lower Endoscopic examination over the last 13 months.

Who knew there was an honest judge left in the nation after eight years of Obama?

T S ELLIS is proof that God works in mysterious ways.

I am Jackson Delano Maybolt President urban poverty law center

Friday, May 4, 2018

Urban Poverty Law Center, All In For Mueller And Hillary Clinton

Goodness, I have done some serious soul searching and after an extended conversation with my liberal brother in law I have converted. The Conversion of Jackson Delano Maybolt, former Clinton critic and Trump praiser, is complete. The straw that broke the camel's back for me was the recent disclosure of Bob Mueller's leaked questions for the President. Mueller must have something on Trump if he is needing to question him about his feelings and what he was thinking about this matter or that matter.

And Russia, did Russian interference push my gal Hillary out and usher Trump in by tricking everyday Americans into pulling the lever or pushing the button for Donald Trump? Mueller must have the evidence and he is holding it close to his vest and not allowing any leaks of this very important finding.

I wake up every morning tearfully and quite morose thinking of what might have been if only the world's most qualified woman for the presidency in a millineum or perhaps a millineum and one year, two weeks and three days, if one excludes Cleopatra from the contest. Of course I am speaking of the world's greatest lawyer, wife, mother, first lady, senator, secretary of state, would have and could have been or could still be the best president of the United States ever! Hillary Roddam Clinton.

I have snapped up her book and devoured it. The press was quite unfair to her, Comey shot her in the foot, Russia was afraid of a strong woman, and the rest is history when the votes were counted she fell short by a few electoral college votes. The stupid voter fell for Trump's phony nationalism and borders racist schtick and our gal for progress was sidelined. Boo!

Think of the progress the world and America could have made in the 15 months the ogre has held power with Hillary at the helm? North Korea, mission completed within a month of Hillary's inauguration. The economy humming along with 5 to 7% GDP, a stock market of 50,000. Unemployment at negative numbers. Border walls torn down and immigrants streaming in from all over the world to enrich every day Americans with their wonderful and rich, compared to ours, cultures. Gun crime would be limited to those who were unwilling to turn theirs into the proper authorities and death from firearms would be just a bad memory. Taxes would be raised to near confiscatory levels and people would yammer to pay more for health care would be free for all yet available to none under the new rules. Abortion for certain races and sexes would be manditory but free. And the Clinton Foundation could continue its important philanthropoic work begun all those years ago.

My heart is heavy with the grief the Trump presidency has caused me and my candidate! But I am hopeful, ever hopeful by the great strides Bob Muller and his team of crack prosecutors are making towards ending our national nightmare brought on by a basket of deplorables who do not have the sense to come in out of the rain or recognize greatness when it is laid out for them.

I will only be happy when he is impeached and Hillary is proclaimed president for life!

Hillary Clinton is that good.


I am JDM President, Urban Poverty Law Center

Sarcasm is a weapon of weazles.