The Pakistani information technology specialist hired by DWS 12 years ago is enigmatic of a deeper problem in Washington. DWS is not the brightest bulb in the box. Her looks are the reason pillow cases were invented and lights could be turned off in the bedroom.
Awan will be shown to be her secret lover and her blackmailer, if an investigation is allowed to move forward. He knows all the secrets of the DNC, DWS, and HRC. He is a very dangerous man. Two: Awan has probably been selling secrets to the highest bidder from the things he had access through his IT credentials. Three: he is a spy.
Awan may be released because he has embarrasing information from his access to congressional computers. The goofs in congress do not want their ineptitude to be on display for the public as it would spoil their brand.
It is different suspecting a body is inept and knowing it without a doubt. With Awan back in Pakistan congress will be safe making their insider deals and life will continue on as before.
Look for Awan to end his own life in the really near, near future, or be permitted to return to his home in Pakistan. He knows where the DNC, DWS, and HRC skeletons are buried.
Awan, my granny always said "Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas !" And your fleas will prove to be your undoing.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz has removed any doubt as to her fitness to serve. She should resign. At best she is a fool and at worst she is a traitor and a fool.
I personally hope she is just a fool, but DWS has some very questionable company in HRC, so the verdict is still out on this one.
The Awan brothers were paid 4 x the typical rate for other IT congressional employees. Were these fellows supplying the DNC with cyber info on the RNC and republicans in congress?
Time for Jeff Sessions to look closely into the Awan phenomenon.
It is not at all what it seems.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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