Thursday, August 17, 2017

Is It Time To Cleanse America Of Its History?

The brouhaha over the Confederate Statues sprinkled about America, especially the American South is fake news. The press and the Alt Gov are unable to over throw President Trump with the fake Russia narrative and need more opera to get it done.

Ok, we get it. Some Americans are terribly unhappy about President Trump's election. Get used to it. No one seemed to care that roughly half of America was really, really disappointed Barry, The Mosque-raider, was elected twice and forced America into an unwanted fundamental transformation which it seems included a White House riddled with electronic and flesh covered bugs, the worst economy of a millennium, poor race relations not seen since the 1960's, and organizations fostered and funded by the World's only true evil genius, Horhe Soros.

President Trump is right in his assertions that evil is on both sides of Charlotte. Black Lives Matter and Antifa are the Left's answer to KKK and White Nationalist Nazi's. Hatred and prejudice know no bounds. If a KKK member clubs a baby seal or a black man in a riot, or a Black Lives Matter member clubs a KKK member or a bunny rabbit, are not the crimes equal under the law? The American Press would say not, but common law with its blind justice must treat these crimes as equals and mete the same punishment.

The American Press and the Alt Gov in its frenzy to destroy Trump is willing to bend the laws of this country to make excuses for its bastard step children and their father Geopolitical Sabatour Geo. Soros.

In a perfect America, our grandfather's America, criminals and rioters would be punished equally. Our jails would fill with KKK, WN, BLM, and AF law breakers and the message would go out if you do the crime be prepared to do the time. Inciting a riot must be a serious felony.

My suggestion to President Trump is to withhold federal law enforcement funding to cities who refuse to prosecute and prevent riots. Riots benefit no one. And right now rioters are free to practice their trade with impunity. Give the cities back their grant money based on how well they police these free speech protests.

Back to the whole statue phenomena. In a democratic republic a vote of the citizens could be taken with pro monuments and anti monument positions placed on the ballots. List the monuments by category, Revolutionary War, Civil War, WWI, WWII, etc and Civil Rights, Past Presidents, Women's Rights, with a ya or nay choice, then count the votes, and the voting is final for one hundred years and the penalty for defacing any of the monuments to sore losers is a lifetime at Gitmo.

End of story.

All we are saying is give peace a chance.

All we are saying is give Trump a chance.

The press acts like its drinking from a warm bucket of Trump Spittle in their vitriolic rantings against the first citizen President elected in many, many years. The American public was not impressed with politicians, the political class, and their inability to right the ship of state. The transformation was rejected lock, stock, and barrel.

My advice to the Trump Derangement Crowd in the press, Hollywood, and politics, McCain, with the Brain Tumor, Graham, whose first names rhymes with Whimsey, and Romney, who shrank from his campaign against beautiful Barack Obama like a post-coital teenaged boy in Catholic school on prom night, is BACK OFF.

The voters spoke loudly and clearly and they rejected Obama, Clinton, Soros, McCain, Graham, Romney, BLM, Antifa, Congress, Senate, Hollywood, and more importantly the Press.

The people voted for Trump warts and all against a candidate so flawed and unappealing billions of dollars and collusions of the press and pop figures from Hollywood were unable to drag the corrupt fat lady onto the stage for her final solo in the Oval Office.

Seems the people believe Warts trump cancer any day. Warts are temporary. And the cancer brought on America by the Obama-Clinton years of abuse and stacking the alphabet soup of agencies would be fatal.

In the end, every city will have a big beautiful statue of Donald J. Trump in the places where monuments to Confederates, founders, and war heroes once stood and America will be a better place.

America tear down your history. Turn your back on your heritage. Open your borders, bow to one world government. Give George Soros what he wants, what he really, really wants. An America where satan is safe and God,equal treatment under the law, and patriotism are dead.

Follow the press. They are the smartest people in America. I always hope Madonna and Ashley Judd will let me know how I should feel about everything.

What could happen?

I am hopeful Americans have the good sense to continue to reject the left and its ridiculous positions.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President UPLC

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Awan, A Two, And A Three,

The Pakistani information technology specialist hired by DWS 12 years ago is enigmatic of a deeper problem in Washington. DWS is not the brightest bulb in the box. Her looks are the reason pillow cases were invented and lights could be turned off in the bedroom.

Awan will be shown to be her secret lover and her blackmailer, if an investigation is allowed to move forward. He knows all the secrets of the DNC, DWS, and HRC. He is a very dangerous man. Two: Awan has probably been selling secrets to the highest bidder from the things he had access through his IT credentials. Three: he is a spy.

Awan may be released because he has embarrasing information from his access to congressional computers. The goofs in congress do not want their ineptitude to be on display for the public as it would spoil their brand.

It is different suspecting a body is inept and knowing it without a doubt. With Awan back in Pakistan congress will be safe making their insider deals and life will continue on as before.

Look for Awan to end his own life in the really near, near future, or be permitted to return to his home in Pakistan. He knows where the DNC, DWS, and HRC skeletons are buried.

Awan, my granny always said "Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas !" And your fleas will prove to be your undoing.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz has removed any doubt as to her fitness to serve. She should resign. At best she is a fool and at worst she is a traitor and a fool.

I personally hope she is just a fool, but DWS has some very questionable company in HRC, so the verdict is still out on this one.

The Awan brothers were paid 4 x the typical rate for other IT congressional employees. Were these fellows supplying the DNC with cyber info on the RNC and republicans in congress?

Time for Jeff Sessions to look closely into the Awan phenomenon.

It is not at all what it seems.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The Highway of Broken Dreams: A Song

Been listening to the Beatles On Sirius Radio and have written a song in that vein. I must admit it is rough and needs a little polish but I like it.

The Highway of Broken Dreams c 2017

Redlight stopping us again
Greenlight here we go lets spin
Look right don't get over there
Look left can't go over there
why cry it's not all just as it seems
here along the highway of broken dreams

down here this is where we be
up there are they truly free

Stop light stopping us again
Green light here we go lets spin
Look right don't go over there
Look left those without a care
don't cry its not all just as it seems
all along the highway of broken dreams

down here this is where we are
goddam wish I had a car

Redlight stopping us again
green light here we go lets spin
look right isn't that your wife
look left starting her new life
Don't cry it's not all just as it seems
leaving you on your highway of broken dreams

down here feeling all alone
up there I would never groan

Red light here we go again
green light stopping us from sin
look right thats no place to be
look left from sea to shining sea
don't cry its not all just as it seems
all along the highway of your broken dreams

down here this is where we are
goddam wish I had a car
you can't get away
this is where you'll stay
on the highway of broken dreams
on your highway of broken dreams

Stop light stopping us right here
green light something's really queer
look right wasn't that your job
look left now you're just a slob
don't cry its not all just as it seems
your job just left you on this road of broken dreams

down here this is where we be
up there they're not really free
you can't get away
this is where you'll stay
on the highway of broken dreams
on your highway of broken dreams

Redlight stopping us again
green light bottle full of gin
look right wasn't that your dad
look left what was in his hand
don't cry its not just as it seems
he's shot himself on the road of broken dreams

down here this is where we be
Up there I will never see
this is where you'll stay
you can't get away
from the highway of broken dreams
off your highway of broken dreams

Stoplight, here we go again
green light Taxman's wicked grin
Look right pay with your hard work
Look left to them you're just a jerk
don't cry its not just as it seems
its never lonely on the highway of broken dreams

Red light here we go again
green light took it for a spin
look right wasn't that your life
look left what a wasted life
don't cry it was all just as it seems
you spent your whole life on that highway of broken dreams

down here this where I am
up there is never never land
this is where we'll stay
we can't get away we can't get away
from the highway of broken dreams
off this highway of broken dreams c august 9, 2017. jACK MAYBOLT PRESIDENT UPLC

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Mueller Must Recuse/Resign

Robert Mueller is not special nor independent, he is a partisan hack, a close friend of former FBI giant douche, Jim Bob Comey.
Mueller's all star line up of pigs at the trough looks like a whose who at a Clinton fundraiser.

It's Salem Witch hunt 2.0. The deep state wants what President Donald Trump won fair and square. They want things to be as before the vulgarian Trump stole the prize from the rightful witch, Hillary Clinton.

Hillary was ready to mount her broom and zoom through that glass ceiling on the evening of November 8, but for one tiny miscalculation. She lost bigly to tha vulgarian and the deplorables.

Sure Mueller can dig around and come up with some charges against someone but after several years what's the point?

I suggest Mueller resign and stop all this false hope the left is swimming in because Trump is not going anywhere but to successfully fix all that was broken by that goof B. Obama.

And it will take two terms!

As granny, a vulgarian herself would say, " when rape is inevitable, relax and try to enjoy it."

Trump has penetrated the left, hear their screams?

Get over it. Mueller must resign for nothing can stop the rape of the Left.

Be patient. The pendulum will swing leftward in 50 years.

Chelsea Clinton will be a spry nonagenarian and maybe that glass ceiling will finally come crashing down!

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center