President Donald J. Trump is huge, really, really, huge! He is a one man phenomenen. He did not invent egos but he lives in 99.9% of the worlds available ego and the New York Times and CNN inhabit the other 0.1%. When President Trump sets a target the target loses and Trump Wins, bigly!
The Whitehouse Press Correspondence Dinner and its attendees who looked forward to dressing up in tuxedoes, brandishing their dates in $10,000 fashion gowns with gleaming white teeth and making fun of the American President, whom they all loathe are now nothing but Trump's cucks. Well some of these ill-advised Obama/Hillary worshiping skunks of media let slip the boycotting of the event and President Trump saw his chance to play Brier Rabbit and voluntarily threw himself into the briar patch.
He decided not to attend, smart, really, really smart, bigly! Without Trump the Correspondence Dinner becomes as meaningfull as the Academy Awards to the majority of Americans. Even the press will be reluctant to cover this non event. President Trump just ruined their plans. Genius!
I believe Mexico is going to start on the wall next week. Russia has decided to pull out of Crimea. The Palestinians are suing Israel for peace without a homeland, and Hillary Clinton has forfeited the election to Trump in 2020. Isis has decided to lay down its arms and go back to peaceful goat herding and poppy pushing and recent immigrants from the middle east have sworn allegance to their new lands. Businesses are hiring and opening once shuttered factories all over the country.
The seas are beginning to recede and Obama is still playing shitty golf but now he is not stealing from the taxpayer when he hits the linx. He is only wasting his own time now, and I'll bet dollars to donuts he is not happy!
Bureaucrats in Washington are smiling at taxpayers and no longer view them as sheep for sheering but as their customers to serve and please. Trump has cast out the old ways of worn out Washington and its corrupt insider deals and dealings. With the exodus of the stale stain of corruption many of the pols who benefited from the old ways will retire in 2018. Watch the exit doors for the real rats of old pre-Trump Washington. They will self identify. Schumer, Pelosi, McCain, Grahm, McConnel? Who will be first out the door?
Anyway what I am trying to say, covering President Trump will take some extra hard work for some members of the Fake News Media. They will have to change their stripes and swallow hard their adversarial bent, or be relegated to the cheap seats at all news conferences. A million dollars a year to a reporter who cannot report seems such a waste of time and money, but hey, a million dollars does not go as far as it used to go. We can thank a couple of generations of hapless leadership and covert corruption for this.
The new sheriff is in charge and the posse is ready to ride! So sit back and enjoy the show. It is going to be really, really huge, bigly!
I am
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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