Friday, April 29, 2016

Bobby Knight Will Push Trump Into The Indiana Winner's Circle, Crooked Hillary Is Too Lumpy, Dumpy and Frumpy To Be President

I watched Bobby Knight endorse Donald Trump yesterday in Indiana. Both are winners!

In my Twain readings I came across his encounter with Sir Winston Churchill, in 1900, when Winston was a war correspondent for South African wars, and perhaps the times in his life he enraged the petulant President Barack Hussein Obama by civilizing and bring fresh water and sewers to his homeland, Kenya. But that's another story. He and Twain met and became acquaintances while Twain was visiting England.

Seems, at a later date Churchill was in New York to give a speech and Twain was to introduce him. After the speeches, Twain and Churchill retired up stairs alone to visit and have a cigar. A fellow named Harcourt wondered to another attendee which of the two smokers would take the floor first and felt Twain being the much older, 65, at the time to Churchill's 23, had the advantage as age wins over youth. If, Twain did indeed succeed in taking the floor, Harcourt commented that it would be the first 30 minutes rest young Churchill's lungs would have enjoyed in 5 years.

When the smokers returned Harcourt asked young Winston if he had had a good time to which he eagerly replied, "Yes".

When he posed the same question to Mark Twain, Twain hesitated and then without eagerness stated, "I have had a smoke."

The Autobiography of Mark Twain is without equal. I highly recommend all three volumes.

If Trump can win Indiana, he will be the nominee. The other states will fall into place.

Hillary Clinton is crooked as Kudzu. She chokes the life, light, and money from everything she touches. Sarcasm was dripping as the song played by the dopey New York congressman, who was introducing her to his district at a campaign event: "She works hard for the money"!

She is way too Lumpy, too Dumpy, and far too Frumpy to be president. Her speaking voice could be used as a superior substitute for waterboarding with good effect. Her goddess-like sense of self worth makes her the perfect person off whom one could retire from the proceeds of buying for her worth and selling for what she thought she was worth. Her plans for America are an extension of the Obama Catastrophe, crooked crony capitalism, stagnant economy, gun control, freak rights, abortion on demand of American citizenry which by the way is a mockery to Black Lives Matter, and failed foreign policy that places Americans dead last.

The crooked colossus Hillary Rodham Clinton must be rejected. Her quiffs are said to be particularly rancid, and it is best to know which way the wind blows when attending her events. The press is forced well back from her when on parade not for any reason but their safety. Bill Clinton quit going to that well 2 score and 7 years ago. Her "woman card" is a risky gambit, none would dare go there but her.

Donald Trump must deliver us from the 7 year nightmare America has endured under the direction of the UnAmerican pro-globalism nincompoop, who is lost without his teleprompter.

Time for an American patriot to take the helm.

It is Donald Trump's time. Hillary Clinton is like yesterday's cheese grits at a two bit Arkansas diner pocked with cigarette butts, and occupied by one lonely green bojo
fly moon-walking across the platter.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President emeritus, Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, April 22, 2016

I Am Happy Reading Mark Twain's Autobiography, Vol 3!

Mark Twain, or at least the editors and the keepers of his dictated autobiography, have released the third and final volume of his last words of wisdom and wit. I have read only 30 or so pages and already he has amused this reader more than once. His "Wapping Alice" tale is very good and his stock choosing prowess is second to none.

He admits that his writings over the past 35 years were limited to only the three summer months of each year and he spent the remainder, 9 months, entertaining himself in whatever endeavor struck his fancy at the time. Then he admits he only wrote to entertain himself so in reality his entire life has been one great holiday. I feel this makes him not only the best writer America has ever produced but the best editor as well. Mark Twain has no equal.

Those of you who have looked at these pages have have seen examples of my having entertained myself, as with the story of the death of my father, the band player who fears for his life from a heavenly body falling from the sky and striking him dead, my take on fluorescent lighting, or my untimely death by a felled Sycamore tree and other less entertaining examples with political undertones.

I have been in a slump these past few months, busy with work, disgusted with the politics of greed and crime family syndicates and a government too big and corrupt to function in any's but their own interest.

I am,

Jack Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center