I heard the fellow at State who decides who comes and who stays in this fair land is a card carrying pedophile. Did it shade his decision to allow the boatloads of underage immigrants to flood into our country the past two years? Are these immigrant minors willing to do the sexual exploitations American youth is unwilling to do?
The parasite class which manages us is becoming more and more despicable.
I better get this posted before todays vote by the FCC which will shut me out of the internet.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking right.......www.urbanpovertylawcenter.org.......www.southernpoetrylawcenter.org
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Friday, February 20, 2015
The Clinton Foundation's got Two Billion Dollars And All I Got Was This Tax Bill From ObomoCare. The Politics Of Greed Live On.
The Clinton Foundation has amassed 2 billion dollars in the years since the prolific pervert, the greatest libido and sleaziest man in American history to lead this great country left office with his brilliant soulmate less than a decade and a half ago. Make no mistake Bill and Hillary put the "cunt" back into country, each in their own particular way.
What is it that the Clintons are selling? It is the worst of our political process out on parade. Bribes and kick-backs, political favors and billion dollar back room deals, all financed by the dupes out here in fly over country whose numbers and wealth are slipping away each day only to land in tax coffers or the Clinton Foundation?
And now we have endured 6 years of Barack Hussein Obama, that incredible half white, half black, all-Arab, American hater, who is currently leading the world in the only country with enough tolerance to allow his foolishness to remain largely unchecked and unchallenged since his true feelings came to light. No mister Baha Obomo, Americans are not bigoted, racist, homophobes, and other than Bill Clinton we're not misogynist nor pedophiles. Those of us fortunate enough to grow up in this country not subjected to the "beautiful call to muslim prayer" as you were in your formative years in Indonesia, believe in fairness, truth, hard work, clean living, and the rule of law.
All we want from the federal government is a common defense, our military, border control, and the minimum of a safety net for our fools, the feeble, the disabled, and our retired politicians, but I repeat myself. Next we want an honest court system which will apply the rule of law equally to the prince and the pauper. And last we would like a government which would work for our common good, not hand out trillion dollar contracts to the nefarious nabobs who secret about K street and the capitol.
He, Obama, is the worst of the worst, destroying our military by gutting it of all its patriotic leaders, making rules of engagement in both Iraq and Afghanistan so difficult our soldiers need a legal opinion before they can pull the trigger on any sand monkey with an Ak in one hand and a severed head in the other. If the military is any indication, then yes, this cool, multiracial, hip, muslim, a demon with a soothing baritone voice, has fundamentally transformed America. We are weak, Obama weak. We cannot rely on our military to protect our national interest, so today every man is responsible for his family's well being and his own security. Our founding fathers knew this day would come and the second amendment was their answer.
He has spat on national sovereignty by dissolving our national borders and allowing the flood of immigrants from the south. Work visas for all and seed money through tax reforms taking ever more from the few Americans lucky enough to still have a job in this floundering Obomoconomy which he has throttled, insuring the weakest recovery from a recession since that cripple, FDR, wheeled and dealed in the White House for four terms three score years ago!
The economy has not bounced back because of energy prices, and ObomoCare. Energy prices have sucked a large portion of expendable income from average Americans, crippling the local economy. ObomoCare has crippled job creation because of the uncertainty of the cost to bring a product or a service to market. The meddling of the government in the free markets has had the predictable result. We sacrifice the nimble, flexible free market for the sluggish, bureaucratic sclerosis which overtakes all things which are foolishly left to the federal government. If I had 2 trillion dollars, could I insure 11 million people for a year? Now 2 trillion is one eighth of the GDP, a percentage that health spending used to occupy in this land before Obama. That 2 trillion dollars used to be all the health care expenditures for 330 million Americans including the uninsured! Now the federal government cannot insure 11 million adequately with 2 trillion dollars. If awards for inefficiency and waste are handed out, Obomocare will be at the front of the line.
Well, at least they are trying.
Trying every patriot's patience that is.
And that brings me back to my original rant. Why and how did the Clinton Foundation garner such largess to have 2 billion dollars to date? I blame Hillary for all our Obomo problems. Had she been a better candidate she would be finishing up her second term and Obama would be in the senate voting present, smoking his cigarettes, and playing slap-ass around the rotunda, not making crucial policy decisions which will injure our great land for years to come.
Perhaps, of late, Hillary has been out of sight using some of that 2 billion dollars to make herself a better candidate for 2016. I suggest a nip here and a tuck there, suck some of the fat out of that concussed brain of yours, add a little judgement, pull out the lust for power, and add some kindness. The "We came, we saw, he died!" comments about Libya's strong man and your time at State's greatest failure, followed by an evil cackling of laughter flowing from your black heart is not good theatre. This ruthless side must be played down for the campaign.
Kiss more babies and kill fewer despots for this campaign. Remember to bring up Chelsea's child is your grandchild at every campaign stop, Americans warm to that. If you are elected you will be offered many more opportunities to kill but please be sure you are killing America's true enemies, and not your fellow citizens. Waco, Ruby Ridge.
If it is true we get the leadership we deserve, I can forgive BHO for his foolishness. He has his agenda and he has carried the ball well in enacting it. Americans have been duped, but the cat is out of the bag and all eyes are on and watching carefully. Is there anybody there who can preserve the greatest hope for prosperity and the good life, someone who can pull America back from the precipice. Ted, Sarah, Scott, Hillary?
We are all waiting! Obomo time is short. I think he misunderestimates American resilience. Yamamoto's sleeping giant is beginning to stir.
Hold my beer and watch this. It is going to be a really big show!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
What is it that the Clintons are selling? It is the worst of our political process out on parade. Bribes and kick-backs, political favors and billion dollar back room deals, all financed by the dupes out here in fly over country whose numbers and wealth are slipping away each day only to land in tax coffers or the Clinton Foundation?
And now we have endured 6 years of Barack Hussein Obama, that incredible half white, half black, all-Arab, American hater, who is currently leading the world in the only country with enough tolerance to allow his foolishness to remain largely unchecked and unchallenged since his true feelings came to light. No mister Baha Obomo, Americans are not bigoted, racist, homophobes, and other than Bill Clinton we're not misogynist nor pedophiles. Those of us fortunate enough to grow up in this country not subjected to the "beautiful call to muslim prayer" as you were in your formative years in Indonesia, believe in fairness, truth, hard work, clean living, and the rule of law.
All we want from the federal government is a common defense, our military, border control, and the minimum of a safety net for our fools, the feeble, the disabled, and our retired politicians, but I repeat myself. Next we want an honest court system which will apply the rule of law equally to the prince and the pauper. And last we would like a government which would work for our common good, not hand out trillion dollar contracts to the nefarious nabobs who secret about K street and the capitol.
He, Obama, is the worst of the worst, destroying our military by gutting it of all its patriotic leaders, making rules of engagement in both Iraq and Afghanistan so difficult our soldiers need a legal opinion before they can pull the trigger on any sand monkey with an Ak in one hand and a severed head in the other. If the military is any indication, then yes, this cool, multiracial, hip, muslim, a demon with a soothing baritone voice, has fundamentally transformed America. We are weak, Obama weak. We cannot rely on our military to protect our national interest, so today every man is responsible for his family's well being and his own security. Our founding fathers knew this day would come and the second amendment was their answer.
He has spat on national sovereignty by dissolving our national borders and allowing the flood of immigrants from the south. Work visas for all and seed money through tax reforms taking ever more from the few Americans lucky enough to still have a job in this floundering Obomoconomy which he has throttled, insuring the weakest recovery from a recession since that cripple, FDR, wheeled and dealed in the White House for four terms three score years ago!
The economy has not bounced back because of energy prices, and ObomoCare. Energy prices have sucked a large portion of expendable income from average Americans, crippling the local economy. ObomoCare has crippled job creation because of the uncertainty of the cost to bring a product or a service to market. The meddling of the government in the free markets has had the predictable result. We sacrifice the nimble, flexible free market for the sluggish, bureaucratic sclerosis which overtakes all things which are foolishly left to the federal government. If I had 2 trillion dollars, could I insure 11 million people for a year? Now 2 trillion is one eighth of the GDP, a percentage that health spending used to occupy in this land before Obama. That 2 trillion dollars used to be all the health care expenditures for 330 million Americans including the uninsured! Now the federal government cannot insure 11 million adequately with 2 trillion dollars. If awards for inefficiency and waste are handed out, Obomocare will be at the front of the line.
Well, at least they are trying.
Trying every patriot's patience that is.
And that brings me back to my original rant. Why and how did the Clinton Foundation garner such largess to have 2 billion dollars to date? I blame Hillary for all our Obomo problems. Had she been a better candidate she would be finishing up her second term and Obama would be in the senate voting present, smoking his cigarettes, and playing slap-ass around the rotunda, not making crucial policy decisions which will injure our great land for years to come.
Perhaps, of late, Hillary has been out of sight using some of that 2 billion dollars to make herself a better candidate for 2016. I suggest a nip here and a tuck there, suck some of the fat out of that concussed brain of yours, add a little judgement, pull out the lust for power, and add some kindness. The "We came, we saw, he died!" comments about Libya's strong man and your time at State's greatest failure, followed by an evil cackling of laughter flowing from your black heart is not good theatre. This ruthless side must be played down for the campaign.
Kiss more babies and kill fewer despots for this campaign. Remember to bring up Chelsea's child is your grandchild at every campaign stop, Americans warm to that. If you are elected you will be offered many more opportunities to kill but please be sure you are killing America's true enemies, and not your fellow citizens. Waco, Ruby Ridge.
If it is true we get the leadership we deserve, I can forgive BHO for his foolishness. He has his agenda and he has carried the ball well in enacting it. Americans have been duped, but the cat is out of the bag and all eyes are on and watching carefully. Is there anybody there who can preserve the greatest hope for prosperity and the good life, someone who can pull America back from the precipice. Ted, Sarah, Scott, Hillary?
We are all waiting! Obomo time is short. I think he misunderestimates American resilience. Yamamoto's sleeping giant is beginning to stir.
Hold my beer and watch this. It is going to be a really big show!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
The Inmates Running The Asylum Are Incapable Of Policing The Asylum. Why The Democrat And Republican Corruption Will Forever Remain In The Shadows.
For a country where keeping a secret is getting harder and harder thanks to our pals out on the Utah Salt Flats in that state of the art NSA building, where this is being monitored before I tap on my computers keys, the truth about Benghazi, Lois Lerner's IRS tax shenanigans, and who were the thugs who beat the shit out of poor old outgoing senate majority leader, Harry Reid, is not finding its way to the light of day.
Benghazi, where the corpses, of Libyan strong man Gaddafi and our former Ambassador Jon Stephens and three American heroes are melded into a story of international meddling and intrigue which involves Hillary Clinton's poorly lead State Department, and a Pentagon with a few good apolitical soldiers left, given the Obama purge which has laid low or given to boot to any American patriots left in that fantasy land.
Word is beginning to trickle out that Gaddafi was willing to step down from his leadership role in Libya, but State, H. R. Clinton, would only agree to his murder. Recall her cackling misquote from Julius Caesar's tome about the Gallic wars, "I came, I saw, he died!" Cue the wicked witch laugh from the "Wizard of Oz". Is it just me or is this kind of disregard for human life unseemly in a top tier politician?
I believe this sort of callousness was rampant in the Nazi death camps of WWII. But many great leaders have had this same quality of a complete disregard for human life, Margaret Sanger, Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin, Che, Fidel Castro, so Hillary is in good company.
Anyway the patriots at the Pentagon tried to change Clinton and Obama's plans for the destabilization of Libya but were out voted and HR and BH armed our enemies with surface to air missiles enough to have every 787 rain down over LaGuardia for a year. Will any of this see the light of day in Tray Goudy's investigation?
The short answer is no.
Corruption, corrupts and absolute corruption corrupts even the uncorrupt. Do not hold breath for any real revelations to come from a congressional investigation.
Ditto, the IRS scandal with Mrs. Lerner, or the truth about Harry Reid, who had his 75 yr old frame beat to hell by an unruly bungee he was over powering when it snapped and threw him across the exercise room at mach I in his Nevada mansion. If it had been a bungee and a half he would have been killed!
Of note, in a senior moment after the Democrat shellacking in November, Reid had been critical of Obama, and had gone off on a sort of public rant, and apparently his exercise equipment took offense and decided to teach old Senator Reid a lesson. Stay with the program, hold the line or else. This will finish Reid. Old frail and beat to hell. I do not see him finishing out his term.
Senator Reid knows too much and his lips got loose just after the election but the bungee mishap has tightened them up again. He will be satisfied to play "quiet mouse, still mouse" for the rest of his career. I believe he is in a pickle with organized crime on one side and the Obama/Clinton syndicate on the other.
In a world where no man is an island, every man is an island.
The struggle continues! Sit back and enjoy the parade. It is going to get better.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Benghazi, where the corpses, of Libyan strong man Gaddafi and our former Ambassador Jon Stephens and three American heroes are melded into a story of international meddling and intrigue which involves Hillary Clinton's poorly lead State Department, and a Pentagon with a few good apolitical soldiers left, given the Obama purge which has laid low or given to boot to any American patriots left in that fantasy land.
Word is beginning to trickle out that Gaddafi was willing to step down from his leadership role in Libya, but State, H. R. Clinton, would only agree to his murder. Recall her cackling misquote from Julius Caesar's tome about the Gallic wars, "I came, I saw, he died!" Cue the wicked witch laugh from the "Wizard of Oz". Is it just me or is this kind of disregard for human life unseemly in a top tier politician?
I believe this sort of callousness was rampant in the Nazi death camps of WWII. But many great leaders have had this same quality of a complete disregard for human life, Margaret Sanger, Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin, Che, Fidel Castro, so Hillary is in good company.
Anyway the patriots at the Pentagon tried to change Clinton and Obama's plans for the destabilization of Libya but were out voted and HR and BH armed our enemies with surface to air missiles enough to have every 787 rain down over LaGuardia for a year. Will any of this see the light of day in Tray Goudy's investigation?
The short answer is no.
Corruption, corrupts and absolute corruption corrupts even the uncorrupt. Do not hold breath for any real revelations to come from a congressional investigation.
Ditto, the IRS scandal with Mrs. Lerner, or the truth about Harry Reid, who had his 75 yr old frame beat to hell by an unruly bungee he was over powering when it snapped and threw him across the exercise room at mach I in his Nevada mansion. If it had been a bungee and a half he would have been killed!
Of note, in a senior moment after the Democrat shellacking in November, Reid had been critical of Obama, and had gone off on a sort of public rant, and apparently his exercise equipment took offense and decided to teach old Senator Reid a lesson. Stay with the program, hold the line or else. This will finish Reid. Old frail and beat to hell. I do not see him finishing out his term.
Senator Reid knows too much and his lips got loose just after the election but the bungee mishap has tightened them up again. He will be satisfied to play "quiet mouse, still mouse" for the rest of his career. I believe he is in a pickle with organized crime on one side and the Obama/Clinton syndicate on the other.
In a world where no man is an island, every man is an island.
The struggle continues! Sit back and enjoy the parade. It is going to get better.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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