I have been reluctant to discuss the Ferguson, Missouri problem America has because I have lived in the South many of my years and have great respect for Southern blacks in the individual, but less so for the pack. Is this discrimination? Yes it is. When I lived briefly in Chicago many years ago my aging Chevy Chevette broke down on the Eisenhower Expressway one Sunday afternoon and I limped it off the nearest exit and it died in front of a high-rise low income housing project.
As I pulled over and parked I was immediately greeted by three young blacks 18 to 20 yrs old holding baseball bats who approached me, a white man of 30, with a shitty little car and a bicycle on a bike rack. I was white and privileged and they were stuck in government housing wondering what fate might bring them that day for entertainment. And here I was!
My wife had followed in another car and was waiting for me so we could go phone a wrecker. I quickly engaged my new attendees in conversation. I briefed these fine fellows with the tats and large biceps of my plan to leave the idled car, call a wrecker, return for my bike and ride bike home, could they watch my car while I was away and how much would they charge me?
The leader of the group stepped towards me with his baseball bat rhythmically striking his left hand, pinched up his face as if considering my offer, I quickly pulled out my wallet and said I had 30 dollars on me and would give them half now and the rest when I got back with the wrecker. I gave each a five dollar bill and the leader said: "I guess dat be awrite."
With that I retreated to my wife's car and when I returned 30 minutes later my new hires were there in attendance and the car and bike were unscathed. A deal is a deal and I gave them the rest of the money in my wallet, thanking them for their assistance and for just letting them rob me of my petty cash and not taking my life or beating me to a pulp.
I dare say I could have taken any one of these three into different circumstances out of the group and he would be a fine co worker in many situations, but growing up on the plantation of no hopes and dreams provided free of charge by the Federal government, and languishing in a public schools system which teaches nothing of any value, Godless training in our schools is a sore subject.
Parents should instill these values in children, fairness, kindness, charity, doing unto others, respect, the Ten Commandments, obeying laws, norms, respecting life, all these should be taught in pre -12 as a citizenship class and part of our children's brain washing, skip teaching how to properly have anal intercourse to five yr olds, those so inclined will figure it out. But the chance to make children honest productive citizens of a greater society has been squandered by the liberal nincompoops who have made policy for over a hundred years. Abandonment of God and the Judeo/Christian ethic for the hedonism of liberalism has been our greatest mistake in schooling these feral children of the underprivileged. They are what we made them.
Margaret Sanger had the bright idea to abort many of them, but this is not in keeping with God's laws. That we as a nation allow our leadership to insist upon this barbarism and cruelty against the unborn speaks poorly of us as a moral people.
Progressives! Follow them on the highway to hell.
Blacks in America face many hurdles. First is the abortion gauntlet which has taken perhaps, 50 million of the 80 million abortions since Roe v Wade. That is a staggering number!
Second is a substandard education system which panders to babysitting and not teaching. Third is the gangsta lifestyle made popular by entertainers and rap artists, making many young blacks turn to drugs and gangs to fill the void left by the destruction of the nuclear family made possible by payments to single mothers in poverty.
That black men like Clarence Thomas, Allen West, or Dr. Ben Carson could break out of that environment and rise to the top of their game is phenomenal. That President Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton could likewise rise from that same festering cauldron and have totally different attitudes is troubling. The difference I believe is spiritual. I believe the former three are Godly and therefore conservatives, and the later are godless progressives. Thomas, West and Carson worship God, and keep his teachings, the latter three, Obama, Holder, and Sharpton worship money and power.
Which should we trust with the reigns of government? The answer begs the question.
We have seen what a mess the godless progressive Obama has wrought. Blacks and whites looking at each other as enemies and not as citizens in a great nation.
And now Aborting 70 million American babies has caught us with a labor shortage here in America and President Obama will fix it by allowing massive numbers of poor central and southern Americans to poor over our borders to mow our grass and keep our hotels cleaned and our restaurants serviced and keep this whole system propped up for another few decades until the neglected infrastructure of our souls is washed out completely and we fade into mediocracy.
If things continue along this path, Sean Hannity will have to change his greeting to "you are a mediocre American!"
Progressives, eight more years on this train with Hillary may just about finish us.
I am not buying what they are selling and neither should you.
Stand up for America. Blah, blah, blah, blah-blah.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking right.......www.urbanpovertylawcenter.org.......www.southernpoetrylawcenter.org