Friday, July 27, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: Weak In Review

I have been away at the Betty Ford Center in Palm Springs sucking on jello and trying my best to get off the hydrocodone habit I acquired when I was so grievously injured by the John Deere manure spreader when I was a much younger man.

Some joker who flunked out of a neuroscience PhD program at the University of Colorado, where incidentally, one of the contributors to these pages, Jacob, my nephew is studying to be a medical doctor, and Jacob has told me he is friends with a colleague of the joker, decided to crash the Batman screening and shoot a few people in a vain attempt to cry out for some help. He has the nations attention. Now what?

My condolences to the victims and their families. I tell all my nephews and nieces that a reasonable curfew is mid-night. The concentration of bad people goes up after mid-night and only the good die young. Late nights are for criminals and cops.
The mid-night curfew rule would have saved lives in Colorado.

While away president Barack Hussein Obama uttered four words which uncover his true feelings about American business. "You didn't build that!" These words have stung his re-election chances.

He and his handlers are trying their best to walk it back. It is not working. I suggest he take his "You didn't build that" up to the next level which is really his intended message to the small businesses in America.

It is one small step for Barack Hussein Obama to state for the record: "That not only you didn't build that business, but you will not be able to keep it!" And without paying more toll to the trolls in government you will not keep the business you did not build.

Under the pressure of a government gone wild with spending, and the recent monetizing of the debt, to steal a phrase from Obama's pastor, "America's chickens are coming home to roost!"

Get ready to reach deep into your pockets, when the Obama administration is done with American businesses, business owners will be lucky to have lint in those pockets.

Clinton and his justice department fleeced the tobacco industry of billions and now they are off the radar screens, their only crime was to have billions in profits.

Obama and his handlers are hoping to hit gold with the rape of the American health care system. The big insurers and big pharmaceuticals are up next for the slaughter.

The government is out of control. It has become organized crime.

Americans deserve better. Money for nothing and your chicks for free.

Vote early and vote often.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: Hey, President Obama, Get A New Line!

I don't know about you, but when I hear President Obama and Snarky Pelosi and Stink Reid harp on about the rich not paying their "fair share" and wanting to raise taxes on "those Americans earning $250,000 or more", I think it is time to put that line out to pasture where it belongs with Bill Clinton who first used it in the 1990's!

I suggest if president Obama needs to pull some clever campaign slogans out of the last century, he might try something along the lines of "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too!" Or perhaps one which was rejected by Richard Nixon, "Got Dick?"

Hey, let us face it, since Bill Clinton, W. Bush and now almost four years of Obama, the deficit King of America, who printed $5 trillion dollars and injected it into a $14 trillion GDP, I am now paying twice what I used to pay for a fast food meal, and twice as much for gasoline.

So Barack, the smartest man in the room, Obama, listen up. Get real with your numbers. If you want to tax the people who made over $250,000 at the turn of the last century, raise your stakes, for God's sake.

From now on your rant should use a 21st century number.

A more forward looking number would be $450,000. Don't you agree?

"Raise taxes on those earning $450,000 or more", now that is 21st century and fair and forward!

You're a douche. Not you Mr. President, you are a marxist anti-American dolt.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: Obama, The First Black, Two Year President

Even W. Bush got to rule for 6 years with a friendly congress and senate. Barack Hussein Obama must be feeling cheated as the first black, two year ruler, community organizer, President.

Overwhelmingly, the American electorate jerked the reigns of power from his girly-man hands by voting his congress out of power in 2010. Since then he has been a political eunuch, unable to pass any significant legislation since Snarky Pelosi and Stink Reid pushed Obamacare on an unwilling public.

Sure he has declared a few edicts and made executive orders his thing, but these can be overturned in 2013 if Mitt Romney can find a pen and a paper on which to write: "Canceled" on these political masterpieces of presidential mischief from the mind (is a terrible thing) of Barack Hussein Obama.

And now with the election less than four short months away, he is, once again, using his mealie-mouth to denigrate the top wage earners in America! His war against prosperity is heating up. It is a sure bet loser for our President to speak ill of fellow citizens whose only sin is to be good income earners. To extend the Bush Tax cuts will certainly pass in these uncertain economic times. His millionaires surcharge will fail.

It makes more sense to praise and encourage these citizens, and give them a kiss before picking their pockets. If I had a country I would want as many highly intelligent and successful citizens as I could get, especially if I had a government which depended upon their tax contributions to fund everything I did.

Under our constitution, up until now, the only way for our government to have revenue is through taxes, fees, and tariffs. Now they have learned they can also print money from nothing which is a hidden tax on all money as it dilutes existing money's value. They are getting away with it for now, but the laws of economics can not be bent for long before it will all come crashing down.

My final thought, if ObamaCare is a tax, how can certain organizations be exempt. By the constitution, taxes must be apportioned equally among the states and the people. When will the case be brought up in court about these exemptions?

We are not stupid, stupid.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Sees Trouble Ahead If President Obama Is Permitted Four More Years To Organize America

Make no mistake, the United States is headed for Armageddon. In the near future there will be a conflict between the two dominant factions in this country that will make the War of Northern Aggression look like child's play. The two sides are jockeying for advantage.

One side is lead by the democrats and represents the people who have been forgotten by society, who by a lack of wit, intellect, motivation, and or good judgement have fallen into the cavernous cracks of a larger community that rewards hard work and innovation.

Some of the skills which are rewarded richly are: throwing a baseball faster and more accurately than others, running faster, driving faster on a professional course, looking exquisitely beautiful even after a good nights sleep and awakening with fresh breath, writing cleverly, climbing out of the pond scum that is politics, hitting a golf ball further and more accurately than your peers, acting, saying funny things for a living, any surgical field, especially plastics, inventors of novel devices, titans of manufacturing, travel, bankers and traders on Wall Street, drug cartels, and high religious leaders of the established religions.

The great wash of people can not aspire to riches via "talent on loan from God", to steal a phrase. They are the average and most find a niche in which to earn a living. Truck drivers, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, loggers, teachers, farmers, factory workers, lawyers, physicians, airline pilots, all make a good living but will never break into the super rich unless very, very lucky.

This leaves the minimum wage American behind. The person who chose drugs and alcohol use over education. The numbnuts who kept the pushers flush with cash while in high school when they should have been learning the multiplication tables. These people grow up to inhabit the world of the petty criminal, where they either sell drugs, steal for a living, or go on welfare with the current old lady. It is a hard life. Tattoos are not free!

John Edwards was right, not only is it more fun to sleep with good looking women, there are two Americas. The war is being waged against the productive in our society which is represented by the Tea Party. This war is being whipped up by Barack Obama who is cheering his vast army of down and out losers of life's lottery in America to resent and hate the successful in America, and label those successful people as somehow greedy and wicked.

The last person who seriously tried to cause a violent schism in America was a man named Charlie Manson, and his plan was "Helter Skelter."

How is Barack Obama any different from Mr. Manson? He is calling for violence against the top 1% wage earners in this country, who pay 40% of the federal income taxes on only 22% of the income.

This might be a good time to review the evolution of war. In the beginning Cain killed Abel because he believed God liked him more. As man evolved war was devised as a process designed to "kill the other guy and take all his stuff." There have been variations throughout the years, but mostly it is for personal gain or it is a lie.

A look at our most recent forays into Iraq and Afghanistan will bear out the kill and take the stuff rule because keeping that Oil rich region in pandemonium is to our advantage or our leaderships advantage.

We are taught in school the Civil War in America was fought to free the slaves, but most in the South know it was undertaken for financial reasons. In 1861 there were more millionaires in the state of Mississippi than in New York. Cotton plantations were money makers... and these people in the South traded with England over the newly industrialized north which was producing an inferior product. The balance of trade was not favoring the highly populated North and this could not stand! As Mark Twain is famously quoted: "No man can stand success, anothers that is."

A fight broke out and because they could not say in polite company they wanted to break the South and take all its stuff, they thought freeing the slaves would be a cause everyone could understand and agree with when the history books were written. It worked. They broke the South and pillaged its resources, and the DuPonts swept down and bought up the Carolinas and every limp dick Yankee from Illinois to Maine came down South to seek his fortune off the backs of a defeated people.

Pause here to play and sing along to "Dixie."

But now this next Civil War will not be fought regionally, it has been set up to be the "Withs Vs the Withouts" and will make the North V South look like child's play. As with any war fortunes will be made and fortunes will be lost. I hope to go up North after the War and buy Mr. DuPont out.

Time will tell.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: Chief Justice John Roberts: What He Has Wrought!

Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane, no it is superman, Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, conservative appointee, circa 2007, under W Bush, flying off to Malta, an island in the Mediterranean Sea known as a safe haven and one time prison for those dictators who fall from favor.

Has John Roberts met his Waterloo moment? Perhaps his visit to Malta will give the brick brack back home in the states sufficient time to cool down after the deliciously scrumptious one man ruling to allow the federal government to do what it does best to everything it touches to our health care: ruin it for the people. Their only success is defense and only because it is impregnable to the current crop of dufusses. Perhaps Health Care will be as critical as the defense department and strong people will be drawn into its ranks and make it like our military the best in the world. Dreaming? Absolutely.

Department of Education, Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Expletives, Department of Justice, all are more problematic for the people and the Department of the Treasury is hopelessly corrupt with its revolving door of Wall Street, DOT, Prison, and so fourth. God, where is that asteroid you promised us? If you could just aim it at Jon Corzine the collateral damage will do the most good for your people.

In the pre-federal government phase of state run education, the local communities ran a pretty tight ship. Children could go to school for 8 years and most could be assured of being able to read and comprehend and cipher good enough to make change. Fast forward to today's moppets who can only quote who they love most on "Glee". Ask what 9 x 7 is and without a calculator the expression is blank. The federal government has destroyed public education and what was left has been kicked hard and abused by the teacher's union.

Did you ever stop to think that today's high unemployment figures are not due to the bad economy, but rather due to the throngs of undereducated, under motivated, MTV addled sycophants who were coddled by well meaning parents who were misled by the 1960' and 70's pyschobablers who created these terrible things where self centeredness is the only focal point. We have graduated from the "Me Generation" to the much much worse, "Only Me Generation".

The selflessness which was harnessed to win the Second World War could not be replicated with today's 18-36 yr olds. Adolf Hitler was a man before his time. What a difference three generations make!

And now we are down to a very few baby boomers who still remember what our grandparents taught about hard work and sacrifice.

The government is waiting us out and will be in complete control of these newest generations the Gen Xers, the Gen Y and the next generation to spawn from these younger classes will be the Generation WTFers. They will have no control over their educations, personal property will be hazy to them, health care will be a right and not very accessible or competently delivered by government workers who are watching the clock waiting for their mandated breaks and the 12 weeks of paid vacation time.

This new generation of health care worker will help usher out to pasture, or under the pasture the last remaining Baby Boomers who could ever tell them how bad life has become under the domination of the student body ruling class that has overtaken the reigns of power in Washington. Make no mistake, ObamaCare is open season on seasoned citizens! The new norm will be to withhold care. Pneumonia will once again become the old man's friend as it was deemed before the dawn of effective antibiotics.

Fall and strike your head after age 70 and should you need the services of a neurosurgeon, denied, by the apparatchiks who oversee who gets what, when, all in their 40's, and as such, this group of dimwits cannot fathom the joy a person in the eighth decade of life can know.

The really good retirement communities will have to offer a health care cooperative with full services outside the government run health care system. The wealthy will always get access to quality health care. The poor will still get substandard care along with the working classes of all income levels.

John Edwards vision of Two Americas, will include the two tiered health care system which is now being set up by the 13,000 new regulations being set by the health care (Be)Czar, Kathleen Sibelius, which rhymes with syphilis and may or may not be treatable under these new regulations. The super rich will be treated, the people in fly-over country, not so much.

Black market medical care will thrive. Physicians who give care outside the confines of the government regulators will become wealthy but will be treated as back alley abortionists once were. They will be taken to court and tried as common criminals and serve time in prison.

Dr. Roberts, you are charged with giving an 80 yr old life saving antibiotic treatments which are forbidden by the Secretary of Health and (in)Human(e) Services by the power vested in her through Obamacare. How do you plead?

Don't answer: you are guilty as charged, now the state will bear the financial burden of both you in prison and your mother who survives. Did you ever stop and think what you were doing? You were selfish. Money will be used to care for you and your mother which could have gone towards a pet project of our Royal Mighty Black Emperor Barack Hussein Obama like Solyndra or of our congressional leaders such as another bridge to nowhere, or a study to see how we can help the snail darter live a better life stunned by TVA dams built by fools in previous generations who stupidly valued human life over nature. I hope you can sleep at night.

And Chief Justice John Roberts, how has your sleep been? Peaceful or tormented like Malta's most famous prisoner, Napoleon?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center