Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Urban Poverty Law Center Political Commentary

I know I risk alienating 50% of Americans who vote, but those Americans who would be alienated by this missive probably do not read, anyway not this blog. President Obama, dancing the nights away at the music festival of lights in India with 3,000 of his closest friends on a $200 million dollar a day taxpayer funded extravaganza, fiddle's as our American way of life burns.

Oil poised to break $90 a barrel today, gold courting $1500 an ounce, cotton futures breaking a buck-fifty, soybeans over twelve-fifty. Inflation is coming and it is here.
Savers will be crippled and debtors will be buried. Hold onto those houses prices will rise, values will remain depressed.

People on fixed income will starve. No cat or dog will be safe. If you have a job, do everything to keep it. If you do not have a job, find one, any job, even at a fast food restaurant which may help feed the family in these coming difficult times.

What do the bankers who control the world do when their property and high positions are threatened by a collapse of the economy? Well a look back at history will reveal the only logical and politically correct action is WORLD WAR III!

At risk now are the plans of the new world order creeps and goons who have positions and wealth far above the imaginations of your average Cedar Grove bacon and cornbread fed citizen. Once the economy fails and the public gets hungry, problems get worse.
Turn the lights off and watch out. Lawlessness will be rampant. We will be invaded by
renegades from our Southern borders because it is worse there than it is here and they will be rampaging about collecting what ever treasure is left in our decaying society.
People will have to arm themselves to go to Walmart if there is anything on the shelves,
food will be the new money, and cigarettes will be prized possessions. If you do not have your ammunition supplies already, you are too late.

It is time to circle the wagons. The government will be dissolved. Local people will have to set up cooperatives and barter for the goods and services they need. The people who have planned and have foods stockpiled will be found and punished when they are noted to not be losing weight as fast as those who had no plans. Death will be a welcome release for many. Fresh water will be at a premium. If you have a well, protect it. Be ready to pull it up one bucket at a time. Big agriculture will grind to a halt as all fertilizers and seeds and fuel will be shut off. Millions will die.

With these bleak predictions, what should we do?

I don't know. I am just a cripple hick from Cedar Grove, TN. But I have chickens, cows, guns and ammo, and need to put wood stoves in my house for heating and cooking.
I am also about 60 lbs over weight and this could be good for an extra three weeks to a month if I can find a clean water source and avoid being killed as a fat hoarder by the hoarder's posse.

On the bright side, depression will fall to the will to survive, people who have to work all day to find enough food to eat are seldom depressed. They are too busy.
Kids will no longer be useless blobs of protoplasm with attitudes and will be assets as they can be sent out to gather nuts and berries and taught to chop firewood and tote the water from the well. Children who refuse to work will be cooked and eaten.

Mindless nights in front of the TV would be replaced with chats around the fire and story telling would make a come back. The Minnonites will be king in our area. They are ready for lights out.

Jack Maybolt, President
Urban Poverty Law Center

"Jack, the more I read of your blog, the crazier you sound." Mother Maybolt 1922-2008

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