Monday, September 25, 2017

The National Football League's Krazy Kaeper And The National Anthem

Oh say can you see the NFL surviving a protest of America? Can a group of highly paid entertainers mock the country, its citizens, its national symbols and thrive? Is it a good business model to disrespect your customer? Hollywood has derided over half the population for decades and only now is reaping the rewards of lowered box office receipts and shrinking fan base. The Emmy's were ignored by more people than voted for Hillary Clinton illegally. The Dixie Chicks berated President Bush at a concert in England and haven't been heard of since. Which proves the point, stupid comes in many different forms: beautiful Hollywood types, snarky comedians, singers and dancers, and highly paid sports figures whose salaries depend upon a fan base.

Insult your fan base at your own peril. Sports, plays, concerts, movies, magazines, books and records are all expendables, fluff. They are the first to go when things get tough. Let's see, should I buy groceries or go to the NFL game this week?

The National Football League is on very thin ice. President Trump is a reasonable man. He thinks like a patriot and knows his base. The same base that rejected Hillary Clinton and her freakish coalition of dysphorics.

Without a change in direction the NFL will wither on the vine. Americans who voted for Trump are with Trump and believe in National Borders, National identity, National sovereignty
and National Security, but the National Football League is optional. Hollywood is optional, Hillary Clinton was optional.

Criticize America at your own risk. We may not be perfect, but we are a hell of a lot better than any other nation of our size and diversity, freakish dysphorics included.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Twice listed as a hater by the Southern Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

What Happened? Are You Kidding?

What happens when the government hates its citizens more than illegal immigrants? What happens when the government refuses to work to produce a budget which is fair to both tax payer and those living off the grand old teat? What happens when the government refuses to follow the wishes of the majority? What happens if the government passes a large tax increase and calls it Obama Care, or the affordable care act and it is not affordable nor care, cramming it through before the people voted a republican into Teddy Kennedy's senate seat in Mass. in an attempt to thwart it? What happens when transferring power from the democrats to the republican house makes no difference in public policy? What happens when transfering the control of the senate from the democrats to the republicans makes no differnce in public policy?

What happens when the citizens hate the government as much as the government hates the citizens? What happens when the most corrupt politician in a lifetime is hoisted by her own petard, pantsuit flapping, jowls yapping endlessly about a fictional bear who influenced an election? What happens when this same stale greedy pol is rejected by deplorable voters? What happens when a selfish, political hag, loses an election to a self-made billionaire, reality TV star, using only straight talk about the problems facing everyday American citizens, and he is so popular even locker room talk released in October (surprise!) could not keep voters from supporting this fair haired Man-Child.

What happens when this talented woman, who has name recognition, the media so far up her rear it would be quicker for them to exit her mouth than to turn back, nearly unlimited money to buy adds attacking the wonder Boy, and she still falls short of the 270 electoral college votes to secure the presidency?

The losing squid writes a blame all but herself book, citing misogynist, racist, queerist, transist, xenophobes, deplorable, white supremacist, the KKK, and Ms Erma Jean Dundershots Sunday school class.

No mention of the self-inflicted email server scandal, 33,000 missing emails. No mention of health questions and her bizarre drop attack at the 9-11 ceremony. No response to her failings as Secretary of State and Benghazi, the mess she and Obama created in the Middle East, the sell out of Israel to Iran with that really really questionable deal. All the pay for play deals she and Bubba made whilst she was SOS.

The list of her questionable deals should warrant making her honorary Secretary of Graft and Corruption. And Haiti wants to know when they can expect their money from the Clinton Foundation?

What happened? Mrs. Hillary Dianne Rodham Clinton, you lost because of you. What Happened? You are the worst candidate since McCain, Romney, and Dole, oh my! You were trounced by a complete lightweight in 2007, Barack Hussein Obama. Most people would have gotten the message then, but not you. It was a fluke, the country was not ready for a strong woman, you took the SOS position, screwed everything up as much as possible and waddled off to prep for your 2016 campaign. Can we say this was your preparation H time?

And you mocked Donald Trump, hoped and prayed he would become the republican nominee for you could surely defeat this non-politician with, you presumed, more skeletons in his closet than your husband's lacivious sexual dalliances outside the sham marriage you share with him.

Google this! What happened? There wasn't enough lipstick to put on this pig warts and all to make you agreeable to the American voter. Sure liberals on both coasts overlooked your warts and short comings, but the deplorable vote did not want what you were selling.

I remember your cackle when Libya's strong man was sodomized with a bayonet, "We came, we saw, he died!" Cankles, I have read Julius Ceasar and madam you are no Ceasar!

I recall your stating "We are going to have to take some things away from you and give them to others." Cankles you are no Santa Claus.

When you were rejected by the electorate, Christmas came early last year. November 8, 2016 was the day America began to heal. The voters are smarter and less deplorable than you give them credit.

God Blessed America with a common good sense, otherwise you would be Madam President and the great funk of the past 8 years of Obama would continue unabated.

You and Obama were the fever, and Trump is the cure.

What Happened? We came, we saw and you lost!

Make America Great Again!

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, September 11, 2017

What Happened? Really, Hillary, Really?

Hillary Dianne Rodham Clinton, twice failed presidential candidate, losing in 2008 to a smoothie from the hoods of Indonesia, then squeaking past a self professed commie basturd from republic of Vermont to square off against the golden haired man-child billionaire from Queens, the man with the golden hair, and all the dog whistles to call in racist, homoxeno, misogynistic anti-Semitic white working class crackers and crackerettes, who abused her at the polls last November many times worst than her serial philandering hubby and world class horn dog Bill Clinton.

Gobsmacked-----is the best this Ivy League educated lawyer can come up with to describe her feelings. How about God Smacked for acts of cruelty perpetrated on the little people whom you and your partner stepped on to get power. The bimbos who celeb fucked or were raped by you and Mr. Clinton? How about the Benghazi four left to fight and die so you and the penny loafer wearing douche bag in the White House did not have to explain your arming Isis for a fight in Syria. What about serial lies about Whitewater, Vince Foster, Ron Brown, the Clinton Foundation, private email servers, pay for play acts while Secretary of State, uranium?

I am gobsmacked that you were gobsmacked. I have not read your book, nor will I because I already know what happened last November.

The best man won. Your attempt to splain the inexplicable is sophomoric and wreaks of codswallop.

Secretary Clinton, you have run against yourself all your life and you lost to the ultimate judge, the Almighty, who makes winning possible for those who believe.

The man with the golden hair and a basket of, no a country of deplorables voting against a self-serving super egotistical megalomaniac who was rejected and found ultimately more deplorable to the les deplor a ba lees than Donald, grab em by the pussy,

Where is your humility, your humanity, your compassion? Swept away by greed and an unnatural quest for power and prestige.

America and Americans had the good sense to gobsmack you back into private life where you can work on the things your character is lacking.

But sadly, old pols like old dogs are strangers to new tricks.

Keep ringing your bell and blowing that whistle the press still cares but America has moved on. Making America Great Again required defeating you as a first step.

And the journey begins!

America is grateful to you for your ineptness. It takes a special fool to lose to Trump and you were the answer to our prayers.

God bless and heal you, by losing to Trump you have served the republic well!

Now go bake me some cookies. I like chocolate chip.

I am,

JDM, president and king of urban poverty law center