Monday, May 22, 2017

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Trump At The Arab American Islamic Summit...........................................WOW!

Trump's speech at the Arab American Islamic Summit was fantastic. It was presented in a heartfelt mode and dripped with diplomacy. He promised America would no longer try to impose our views on other peoples and called on the leaders of these moderate Muslim countries to police their own when it comes to terror.

He called out Iran as the greatest state sponsor of terror and labeled Hamas as a terror organization.

If you have not seen his speech I strongly recommend you go to youtube and watch it.

He is a very powerful speaker and I have not seen a speech as good as this one since Ronald Reagan.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Is It Time For The Investigators To Become The Investigated? Why A Convention Of States Amendments Will Fail To Save The Republic

The curious nature of these attacks against Donald Trump who has been in office only a short while smacks of desperation. The man has not even settled into the White House and already the entrenched political class is in a panic to remove him.

One must ask, what are they afraid of? Political corruption is at the base of Trump's problems. But not his corruption, it is theirs. The good ole boys and gals up on the hill have had it good without any adult oversight for many, many years. All funded by the sheep who could not bleat and had no real representation.

After Obama rammed through his unconstitutional enormous tax increase disguised as a health care plan, the sheep organized into Tea Parties, and sent the black sheep in congress packing. Democrats lost control of the congress and the lying replacement representatives calling themselves republicans promised to repeal the tax. These liars, who control the purse, broke that campaign promise and the tax/healthcare law continued unchallenged and in 2014 the Tea Party elected more republicans who lied again about repealing the healthcare law, and the senate changed hands from D to R.

Two more years pass and this new bunch of spineless politicians, huff and puff and send bills to repeal Obamacare and he veto's the bills. Meanwhile, the Obama administration is proving the most corrupt and anti-American administration in our short history. The borders are opened up to any jack-willie who can walk across a border. Hundreds of thousands pour into our country. Obama and Eric Holder export high power rifles to the Mexican Drug Cartels via Fast and Furious in a poorly thought out plan to bring draconian gun control issues to the forefront. A border patrol agent is murdered with one of these weapons, Mr. Terry.

Lois Lerner, the ice woman of the IRS has held up applications for conservative political action groups illegally with both the house and the senate in R territory and no meaningful investigation follows. Conservative patriots in True the Vote, are subjected to the full weight of investigations by EPA, IRS, and FBI. Government agencies politicized by Obama and Holder and not a peep from congress.

The natural progression from democrats not doing the right thing for the people, to republicans not doing the right thing for the people, witness congress and senate change over in 2012 and 2014, respectively is the election of Donald J. Trump.

The sheep smelled a rat. Something was not adding up in Washington. A trillion dollar stimulus package and not 50 cents of work could be pointed to as the result? What was up? Even the Clinton Foundation could not run through a trillion dollars and not change something for the better.

Trump was elected and threatens the political class with exposure. And the cockroaches in Washington DC are seriously panicked and are pulling no punches. They must destroy the democratically elected president before he exposes them as corrupt weasels living in the swamp.

If Trump is successfully drummed from office, Americans, its patriots, must regroup and fight for its independence again. This cannot play.

Tyranny must be challenged and defeated.

Coups know no boundaries. They are fluid, and can flow both ways.

America is watching Washington very carefully.

The patriots have President Trump's back.

Stab at it at your own risk!

I know Mark Levin believes a convention if states is the only way to reign in this out of control government. But Mark, you see the swamp does not follow the constitution now. What makes you think they will abide by amendments to the constitution from a convention of states?

Mr. Levin, Mark, you are dreaming!

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, May 19, 2017

From Russia With Love: We Give You Trump

Trump is in bed with the Russians! The Russians hacked the election denying Hillary Clinton her rightful place. The media is failing. Their adult diapers are breaming. Call a doctor!

How can Trump, a man with no bona fides, no public service record, jump into a race for leader of the free world and win? Forcing his way into office against the tide of negative press and naysayers in both parties, under budget and ahead of schedule, defeating the greatest political leader since Franklin D. Roosevelt, the smartest woman in the world, the anointed, the Colossus.
The Russians, that's how.

The Russians with a GDP of less than the state of California have the resources, the know-how, and the skills necessary to defeat Hillary Clinton with her billions of dollars, her political action committee support, and her sycophants in the main stream press to throw the election to Donald J. Trump.

That the Russians would have a preferred candidate in the race for US president is not hard to believe. Hillary Clinton was a polarizing candidate. I am not Russian and I cannot stand the woman. I find detestable her love of money, power and her corrupt nature. Her illegal use of a home server for official Department of State duties call into question her fitness for higher office. In a word, Hillary Clinton is contemptible. She will lie when the truth would suffice.

If the Russians played any small roll in Hillary Clinton's defeat my greatest gratitude to Vlad Putin for having the good sense to block Clinton from the presidency.

For ending Hillary Clinton's presidential aspirations, Vladimir Putin deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.

With this I hereby submit his name to that esteemed committee.

Thank you Russia for doing the job many Americans were want to do.

If you did interfere with the election, take a bow, if you did not interfere, take a bow anyway for the world is a better place with Trump as president and Hillary Clinton as private citizen, a blooming private citizen.

God Bless Putin, Trump, Russia and the good old US of A.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother's Day From UPLC

For every woman who has gone through the trouble of conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and all the trials and tribulations which go with raising a child, we at the UPLC salute you!

First the egg, then the milk; think about it!

Happy Mother's Day.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, May 1, 2017

Congress Is Reluctant To Kill Obama Care

Obama Care is not about health care, it is a tax and a net win for the US Treasury. It taxes without providing anything for the people. Therefore it will not be repealed. Congress is corrupt and deplorable and some should be voted out of office in 18.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center