Most Americans who were privileged baby boomers, conceived, born, and raised by the greatest generation of Americans who fought their way through the depression bought on by FDR and then a world war with Hitler and Hirohito have grown up with news from the NAACP, or N double A C P, which we all know and love as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. I believe former Senator Robert Byrd, may he rest in pieces, was on the advisory board when the Association coined its name. As you may or may not know Senator Byrd was a Grand Kegel in the West Virginia Klu Klux Klan. But that is an irrelevant fact. Even Klansmen can be great Senators and White Supremacy should not disqualify one from seeking and gaining public office, as long as they can compartmentalize and not mention too often on the senate floor "I have known many white niggers". We are a melting pot here in America as the liberal media is fond of quoting and there is room for everybody but for those without a voice.
Of course I am speaking of Americans as yet unborn, or the AAYU. It is with great pleasure and excitement I announce the formation of a new NAACP. I hope the colored people will not try to stop my new foundation. I know most of you readers are wondering what could it be?
I will cut to the chafe. It is the National Association for the Abortion of Certain Peoples. Planned Parenthood, like Obamacare is here to stay. These are the laws of the land. We may as well make the best of them. Pro-life groups have fought to over turn Roe V Wade for nearly forty years with no success. It is time to accept abortion and use it to our advantage. As a member of National Association for the Abortion of Certain Peoples you will be able to vote on which peoples should be aborted. Of course we will not be able to discriminate based on race, religion, social status, political beliefs, or sexual orientation, openly, but you and I know this is just a lie.
About right now you are wondering what can the NAACP do for you and society as a whole? Well for one each woman who desires an abortion would have to apply to our board for permission to abort. She will be required to fill out a questionnaire. I believe the questions she must answer before obtaining an Abortion Sanctioned by the NAACP include but are not limited to:
1. Your Race White Black Hispanic Middle Eastern Asian Native American
2. Your Religion Christian Jew Mormon Muslim Other
3. Race of Father (if known) W B H ME A NA Don't Know
4. How long have your people lived in America? less than one year, less than 3 yrs, less than 10 years, less than 30 years, less than 60 years, greater than 60 years
5. Do you have any 1st degree relatives who are Gay? Y N
6. Have you or any member of your family paid income taxes, ever? Y N
7. If you have a car do you have a bumper sticker with Obama or Hillary for President? Y N
8. Have you ever used the term Honky in a derogatory fashion. Y N
9. Do you consider "Crackers" something you crumble into your soup? Y N
10. Do you think the "knock-out game" should be a national sport? Y N
11. Did your father live in the home with your mother? Y N
12. Do you smoke crack cocaine? Y N
13. Do you want your baby parts sold for medical research? Y N
14. Do your believe in God? Y N
15. Do you go to bed after mid-night and get up at noon? Y N
16. Are you sure you want an abortion? Y N
That's it for today. Tomorrow I will probably not write about the disinterment of Nathan Bedford Forrest in Memphis by the NetRoots Pukes. What the hell is going on here?
I dare say the nation's poor are worse off than the slaves of by gone eras. A good slave would bring $500 to $2000 in the day, now you can't get 50 cents for a poor person. And remember, a slave, though not free to change jobs or make important life decisions, earned a living wage with food, clothing, shelter, and health care all at no cost but his or her labor. Hey I am not saying it was all sunshine and lolly pops, but it was better than many alternatives.
To join the new NAACP contact my secretary, Susan Blunderdoss, at my office. You know the number.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center Founder of National Association for the Abortion of Certain Peoples