Dear Friends,
Just a few weeks of the 2010 national campaign left and I am hoping for some change.
We at the Urban Poverty Law Center have not wanted to become political since we are applying for grants from the United States Government to help us with our fight against Urban Poverty. I do not know if I have stated our motto, but I apologize if this is something I repeat.
The Urban Poverty Law Center fights poverty at its root causes. We shovel cash
into areas where there previously was none picking off one poor soul at a time.
Just last week I gave a twenty dollar bill to a panhandler on the off ramp to I-40
and read about his demise in the local paper after scoring some good stuff at the park in Jackson. Lesson learned, a dime bag of meth would have pleased this fellow whereas two dimes were too much for his old haggard ticker. We have six weeks to raise the $1500 to have C. Batsell Bateman's funeral home intere this poor homeless
creature or the county will have him cremated at the humane shelter with the euthanized pets. Oh the humanity!
Got out to the flea market before the marriage of old folks in Cedar Grove, and picked up four fine laying hens. They have laid eggs each day since I acquired them, and are quite polite with the older hens.
I have been watching how the media has been treating Christine O'Donnell since she beat the walking cadaver, Mike Castle, in the Delaware primary last week. She sure has them stirred up. The way I see it, ole Mike don't have a dog left in him and even a six year senate seat is a stretcher by my calculations. I guess if it is only to spend the rest of VP Biden's term of maybe two years, he would have a chance, slim one.
Ms. O'Donnell is attractive enough and talks real good and she shore does have a perty mouth! I think she would be a great asset on the floor of the senate. I know if ole Teddy Kennedy was still there he would be on her like Washington on a dollar.
I wonder if she is married or has any children? I would like to be a facebook pal of hers. This is the first time I have been tempted to send any woman one of Mother Maybolt's merkins. Someone out there may advise if this would be to assuming for a gentleman to send a lady a merkin? I am awkward and not wise in the ways of relationships. Part of the territory when you live with your mother out in the country.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"If you can't say something nice about a person, they must be despicable." Mother Maybolt 1922-2008